Device Theme Switcher is a WordPress plugin which delivers one of your WordPress themes to handheld visitors and another theme to tablet visitors. Computer visitors are given the active theme in 'Appearance > Themes'.
Screenshots | Features | FAQ | Contributing | Changelog
Version 3.0.2 (Released 01/23/2017) Requires at least: WordPress 3.0 Tested up to: WordPress 4.7.1
Install and activate in your WordPress Dashboard 'Plugins > Add New' section by searching for 'Device Theme Switcher' or download from
After activation you'll have a new menu: 'Appearance > Device Themes'--where you set which theme is given to which visitor device.
This plugin is powered by the MobileESP PHP library created by Anthony Hand.
This plugin is based on the concepts provided by Jonas Vorwerk's Mobile theme switcher plugin , and Jeremy Arntz's Mobile Theme Switcher plugin.
Copyright (C) 2011-2017 James Mehorter