Install opa for testing & building the bundles.
opa test policies
Policies are built into bundle to make distribution easier.
You can easily build the policies by running
opa build -b policies -o dist/bundle.tar.gz
opa eval -I -b policies -f pretty data.compliance_framework.local_ssh <<EOF
"passwordauthentication": [
"permitrootlogin": [
"pubkeyauthentication": [
Policies are written in the Rego language.
package ssh.deny_password_auth
"title": "Host SSH is using password authentication.",
"description": "Host SSH should not use password, as this is insecure to brute force attacks from external sources.",
"remarks": "Migrate to using SSH Public Keys, and switch off password authentication."
}] {
"yes" in input.passwordauthentication