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Python code to convert OpenQASM 3.0 circuits to only have Clifford+T Gates

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CliffordT conversion of OpenQASM 3.0 Circuits

Developed as a part of the submission to the QOSF March Cohort application.
Install package using pip install -e . after cloning the repo locally. Preferably create a virtual environment for this!

This package takes .qasm file and generates a file a new .qasm file that converts operations to the Clifford+T basis. For examples outputs look at the cliffordT_qasm_circuits folder. The output was generated using debug/ See Usage below for more details

For a detailed explanation of the work flow of the QASMParser and gates that are supported for conversion to Clifford+T circuits, take a look at About section


  1. newsynth -- Haskell Package to convert Rz rotation to a sequence of H, S and T gates


  1. - Good resource on Quantum Gates
  2. - Qiskit documentation on circuit identities
  3. - Exact and approximate synthesis of Quantum Circuits
  4. - Decomposition of controlled Phase gates
  5. - OpenQASM 3.x spec
  6. - Source for example circuits

About the QASM Parser

What does this package do?

This is package intended to take OpenQASM 3.0 circuits and convert them to the Clifford+T basis. Converting an arbitary gate to series of Clifford operations is not a trivial task. In this package, we take advantage of newsynth which is Haskell package which approximates RZ(theta) gates as series of {H,S,T} gates. The conversion relies on this package which based paper by Ross and Seilinger.

What does this package not do?

Right now not all gates are supported to the Clifford+T basis. We only support the standard gates in OpenQASM 3.0 as of now. Even not all the gates in this are supported for conversion to the clifford+t group.(See below for list of supported gates

Supported Gates for Conversion

The following gates are supported that are converted to the Clifford Group
SingleQubitClifford = (id, x, y, z, s, sdg, h, sqrtX, sqrtXdg) + (t, tdg)
TwoQubitClifford = (cx, cy, cz, swap)
SingleQubitGates = (rx, ry, rz, phase)
TwoQubitGates = (ch)
MultiQubitGates = (toffoli)
These are the standard gates from OpenQASM that are not supported yet.
GatesNotSupported = (crx, cry, crz, cphase, ccz, cswap, cu)

One approach would be to approximate arbitrary gates as aprroximations of Clifford+T gates. This does not unroll any control flow operators leaving them as it is. If a non-clifford standard gate is encountered, that is converted to a Clifford+T representation.


After installing following the steps in README

import CliffordQASM.QASMPasrer
filepath = "path/to/qasm/file"
parser = QASMParser(filepath= filepath)
parser.generate_cliffordT_qasm_file() # This will generate new file the name cliffordT_oldname.qasm

You can play with debug/ with your own qasm file. The output will be generated in the folder cliffordT_qasm_circuits

Flow of the converter


Comments on unsupported gates

The unsupported gates can be broken down into clifford+T rotations, however the parser at this stage would generate absurdly long gate sequences as everything is unrolled when generating the qasm output. One can take advantage of the control flow features in OPENQasm 3.0 to generate a more succint representation. Nonetheless, this would not change the fundamental constraint that gates sequences generated using gridsynth are absurdly long that may go beyond capabilities of current hardware.

For instance, in reference 4, one can find a decomposition of controlled-RZ gate, which is recursive in nature. This can be converted to a recursive fucntion in OPENQasm 3.0. This would ideally be the next step in the development of this package, if continued, changing to a transpiler from a mere parser.


Python code to convert OpenQASM 3.0 circuits to only have Clifford+T Gates







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