Rencana Pembelajaran MK JST Semester Ganjil 2022/2023 Kelas EF Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (Filkom), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) 2022.
Dosen Pengampu:
- Imam Cholissodin, S.Si., M.Kom. | email: [email protected] | Filkom UB
- Muhammad Tanzil Furqon, S.Kom., M.Cs. | email: [email protected] | Filkom UB
Screenshot Hasil Running contoh program untuk JST: --> Web App untuk project Jaringan Saraf Tiruan (JST) pada PythonAnywhere sbg Platform as a Service (PaaS) pada Teknologi Cloud
Big Thanks to PythonAnywhere & for all Ref. Semoga Bermanfaat dan Sukses untuk Semua. :D
[1] Fausett, L. 1994. Fundamentals of Neural Networks. Prentice Hall
[2] Krose, B. And Patrick van der Smagt. 1996. An Introduction to Neural Networks, Eighth edition. University of Amsterdam.
[3] Fyfe, C. 1996. Artificial Neural Network. University of Paisle.
[4] Freeman, J.A. And David M. Skapura. 1991. Neural Networks - Algorithms, Applications, and Programming Techniques. Addison-Wesley
[5] Cholissodin, I., Sutrisno, S., Soebroto, A.A., Hasanah, U., Febiola, Y.I., 2019. AI, Machine Learning & Deep Learning. Filkom UB.
[6] ..
----------- Free e-Books: Buku Ajar Saya ------------ To All my Students and Others:
- Buku Ajar MK Grafika Komputer Pada Android ( )
- Buku Ajar MK Swarm Intelligence ( )
- Buku Ajar MK Analisis Big Data ( )
- Buku Ajar MK Pemrograman GPU ( ).
- Buku Ajar AI, Machine Learning & Deep Learning ( || )
Semoga Bermanfaat. Aamiin. 🤓😁🤲