Command |
brew search <text|/text/> |
brew install <formula> |
brew install --cask <cask> |
brew uninstall <formula> |
brew list |
brew upgrade <outdated_formula> |
brew update && brew upgrade `brew outdated` |
brew analytics off |
Command |
choco search <filter> |
choco install <pkg> [<pkg2> [<pkgN>]] |
choco uninstall <pkg|all> [pkg2 [pkgN]] |
choco list -lo |
choco upgrade all |
choco upgrade all --except="<pkg[,pkg2]>" |
Create git alias:
git config --global alias.gone "! git fetch -p && git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short) %(upstream:track)' | awk '\$2 == \"[gone]\" {print \$1}' | xargs -r git branch -D"
alias gpha="git push && git rev-parse HEAD | tr -d '\n' | pbcopy"
Zsh Alias | Command |
gst |
git status |
glo |
git log --oneline --decorate |
glol |
git log --graph --pretty='...' |
gl |
git pull |
gp |
git push |
gpf |
git push --force-with-lease |
gpsup |
git push --set-upstream origin $(git_current_branch) |
gco |
git checkout |
gco - |
checkout to previous branch |
gcm |
git checkout $(git_main_branch) |
gc |
git commit -v |
gc! |
git commit -v --amend |
gmom |
git merge origin/$(git_main_branch) |
gstl |
git stash list |
gsta |
git stash push |
gstp |
git stash pop |
gstaa |
git stash apply |
gstd |
git stash drop |
gpristine |
git reset --hard && git clean -dffx |
grhh |
git reset --hard |
grb |
git rebase |
grba |
git rebase --abort |
grbc |
git rebase --continue |
grbm |
git rebase $(git_main_branch) |
grbd |
git rebase develop |
grbi HEAD~3 |
git rebase -i HEAD~3 |
git tag <tag-name> |
git push origin <tag-name> |
git tag -d <tag-name> |
git push --delete origin <tag-name> |
Markdown | Example |
*italics* or _italics_ |
italics or italics |
**bold** or __bold__ |
bold or bold |
**_bold italics_** |
bold italics |
~~strikethrough~~ |
> blockquote |
Command |
nvm use |
nvm use --lts |
nvm alias default 14 |
nvm ls |
nvm ls-remote | grep -i "<node_version>" |
nvm install <node_version> |
nvm install --lts |
nvm uninstall <node_version> |
Command | Description |
docker ps |
list containers |
docker ps -a |
list all containers |
docker ps -aq |
list all container ids |
docker images |
list downloaded images |
docker cp <container_id>:<src_path> <dst_path> |
copy from container to local machine |
docker cp <src_path> <container_id>:<dst_path> |
copy from local machine to container |
docker rm |
remove container |
docker rm $(docker ps -aq) |
remove all containers |
docker rmi [-f] <image> |
remove image |
docker stop <container_id> |
docker exec -it <container_id> <command> |
run CLI command inside the container |
docker-compose up -d |
builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service |
docker version |
docker-compose version |
Command | Description |
psql -h <hostname> -p <port> -U <username> -d <dbname> -W |
connect to database (-W option means propmt password) |
\h |
help |
\q |
quit |
\l |
list databases |
\c <dbname> |
connect to database |
\dt |
display tables |
\du |
display user roles |
Command | Description |
knex init |
create new knex file |
knex migrate:make migration_name |
create migration file |
knex migrate:latest |
run all migration that has not yet been run |
knex migrate:rollback |
rollback the last batch of migrations |
knex migrate:rollback --all |
rollback all the completed migrations |
knex migrate:up |
run the next migration that has not yet been run |
knex migrate:down |
undo the last migration that was run |
knex migrate:list |
list both completed and pending migrations |
Command | Description |
Ctrl + U | Terminal: delete whole command |
Ctrl + K | Terminal: delete right of the cursor |
Ctrl + W | Terminal: delete word |
ln -s <target_file> <link_name> |
create symbolic link |