A web application to manage Flea Markets in small communities. It is intended to gather people from a community in a physical space to sell their unused items to other people that might find those items useful.
- Registration form to allow people to request one or more slots in the flea market.
- Email automatically sent to the user when the registration is finished.
- Confirmation of request of reservation by email.
- Assignment of a reservation to a slot and details of the assignment sent by email.
- Management of slots available.
- Statistics of the ocupation.
- Management of a waiting list.
This project uses the stack Python / Django / PostgreSQL .
To use this project, follow these steps:
Create the database and the necessary permissions:
$ createdb brocante
$ createuser brocante_usr -P
$ psql -d brocante
# grant connect on database brocante to brocante_usr;
# revoke connect on database brocante from public;
# alter user brocante_usr createdb;
# \q
Clone the project locally from GitHub:
$ mkdir -R ~/python/projects
$ cd ~/python/projects
$ git clone https://github.com/htmfilho/brocante.git
Create a Python virtual environment on Linux:
$ cd brocante
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
or on Windows:
$ cd brocante
$ python -m venv venv
$ venv\Scripts\activate
Install the dependencies:
[venv] $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create an .env file based on .env.example and set the environment variables:
[venv] $ cp .env.example .env
On Windows, use the following command:
[venv] $ copy .env.example .env
The following variables must be defined:
Initialize the database and create a super user for the application:
[venv] $ python manage.py makemigrations
[venv] $ python manage.py migrate
[venv] $ python manage.py createsuperuser
gettext is required for the translation files. Make sure it's installed in your local machine. For Windows users, follow the instructions in the Django documentation. Compiling translations:
[venv] $ python manage.py makemessages -i venv
[venv] $ python manage.py compilemessages
Run the server:
[venv] $ python manage.py runserver
Visit the address http://localhost:8000 to view the registration form, and http://localhost:8000/admin for the administration console.