Functionality for easier work with mouse and windows on desktop. Multi-Monitor support is also provided ...
Documentation is available on gh_pages
Author: [email protected]
- Chris
- AutoHotkey 1.0
- Lexikos
- for taking up the development on AutoHotkey (aka. AHK_L)
- WindowPad as main inspiration
- Bkid
- Identify monitor numbers with IDMonitors()
- joedf
- Smart WinFade
- just me
- GUI Constants
- Function API_GetWindowInfo()
- MDMF - Multiple Display Monitor Functions
- majkinetor
- Forms-Framework
- ManaUser
- Function
) - taken from AppsKeys - maul-esel
- porting Forms Framework to AHK_L
- MasterFocus
- Function RandomBezier - moving mouse on a random path (bezier curve)
- Uberi
- Yunit-Framework
- and to everyone I might have forgotten
- WindowPad/WindowPadX - free - based on AutoHotkey as well
- WindowMenuPlus - Free (Non-Commercial Use Only)
- WindowSpace - commercial
- Winsplit-Revolution - Freeware
- Coco
- SerDes-Function (Serialize / de-serialize an AutoHotkey object structure)
- Uberi
- Yunit-Framework
- and to everyone I might have forgotten
This project was split of AHK_EDE.
ChangeLog is available here