Reken based implementation of the TodoMVC reference application. See reken-todomvc live demo
For more information about TodoMVC goals and functionality see the website.
In this section we list out the various Reken functionality (attributes) we use to implement the TodoMVC application
The dynamic state based HTML is generated with the data-text and the data-html attributes See for example the text of the todo items and the display number of todos left.
It also uses the data-if attribute to conditional display HTML content. For example the "Clear completed" button and the whole footer.
The data-for attribute is used to generate the list of todos based on a JS array.
On the todo input control and the task completion checkboxes we use the data-value attribute to bind the input controls to their state.
Classes conditionally enabled with the data-class attribute. See the current filter status.
User clicks are acted on with the data-action attribute. And input control value change events are acted on with the data-on-change event.
In the Single Page application various routing states are captured with the data-route attribute. It shows the same UI but with a different task filter based on the routing variable currentFilter.