The task is to develop a client-side web application for managing a personal game catalog, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Key features include adding, viewing, and deleting games, with data stored locally. Additional challenges include implementing editing functionality, search/filter features, and possibly integrating an external API for critic reviews. The project also involves thorough testing, documentation, and publishing the application on GitHub.
Add new games to your collection, including title, publisher, release date, image,
critic score, personal score, and notes.
View a list of all games in your collection.
Edit existing games to update their details.
Delete games from your collection.
How to Use Setup
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd game-catalog
Open the project in your code editor.
Run the application:
Simply open the index.html file in your web browser.
Deployed Application
You can access the deployed application here.
Adding a Game:
Click on the "Add Game" button.
Fill in the required information in the form:
Release Year
Game Image URL
Critic Score
Personal Score
Personal Notes
Click on the "Add Game" button to save the game to your collection.
Viewing Games:
All your games will be displayed in a table format.
You can see details such as title, publisher, release date, image, critic score,
personal score, and notes.
Use the search bar to filter games by title.
Editing a Game:
Click on the "Edit" button next to the game you want to edit.
Modify the game details in the form.
Click on the "Add Game" button to save the changes.
Deleting a Game:
Click on the "Delete" button next to the game you want to delete.
Confirm the deletion when prompted.
Technologies Used