This project was done as a proof of concept that you can build a purchase bot and a price scraper for amazon without using a web driver or other ineffecient techniques.
Feel free to use this if you need a PS5 or another hard to find item.
I have strong reasons to believe, but I cannot confirm that this is the same strategy that other bots are using for their purchase bots.
If you're on Windows, install or use a container with an Ubuntu image.
Install nvm and configure it to use Node v14.15.4:
Note: The commands below assume you use bash as your shell. If you use something else, update the appropriate shell rc instead.
curl -o- | bash
. ~/.bashrc
nvm install 14.15.4
nvm alias default 14.15.4
npm install --global yarn
- Clone repo
yarn install
Note: Before running the project, you have to login to amazon and then copy over all the cookies in your browser from into the loginCookies array in the utilities/requests.ts file.
- Run
yarn build
to compile TS todist/
- Run
yarn start
to executesrc/index.ts
(program entry-point)
Tip: Check package.json
to see how these yarn commands are defined.