For a library project I've been working, I designed a custom ResourceResolver to load fonts from the class loader instead than from the file system (the default behaviour of FOP).
This library was originally developed linking Apache FOP 2.6.
Recently I wanted to upgrade to Apache FOP 2.7 or 2.8, but when linking the new version of FOP, it seems the custom ResourceResolver is ignored.
This project provide a simple Proof of concept of this different behaviour.
The purpose is to open a bug on Apche FOP JIRA bug track and attach this POC as sample code.
- mvn clean install -P fop26 [Test OK]
- mvn clean install -P fop27 [Test Failed]
- mvn clean install -P fop28 [Test Failed]
The link to Apache FOP is achivied using a property fop-version overriden in thre different profiles : - fop26 -> version 2.6
- fop27 -> version 2.7
- fop28 -> version 2.8
As you can see in the pom.xml file
This project consists of basically of :
- ClassLoaderResourceResolver - A custom ResourceResolver loading from the classloader uri starting with "classpath://"
- SampleDocumentGenerator - A sample code customized from the sample code on fop site to use the previous custom ResourceResolver.
- A resource folder with the fonts to be loaded : src/main/resources/font
- The Apache FOP configuration file fop-sample-config.xml
- The Apache FOP sample .fo
- A JUnit TestDocGeneration to test the document generation.
- A pom.xml file with three profiles for launching the JUnit with Apache FOP 2.6 (fop26), 2.7 (fop27) and 2.9 (fop28).
This porject had been tested with the same behaviour with :
- JDK 1.8.0_333 and JDK 11.0.16
- Apache Maven 3.8.6
Some sample build logs are provided :
- mvn clean install -P fop26 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop26_jdk8_win.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop27 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop27_jdk8_win.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop28 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop28_jdk8_win.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop26 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop26_jdk8_win_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop27 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop27_jdk8_win_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop28 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop28_jdk8_win_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop26 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop26_jdk11_win.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop27 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop27_jdk11_win.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop28 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop28_jdk11_win.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop26 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop26_jdk11_win_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop27 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop27_jdk11_win_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop28 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop28_jdk11_win_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop26 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop26_jdk8_linux.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop27 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop27_jdk8_linux.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop28 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop28_jdk8_linux.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop26 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop26_jdk8_linux_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop27 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop27_jdk8_linux_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop28 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop28_jdk8_linux_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop26 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop26_jdk11_linux.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop27 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop27_jdk11_linux.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -P fop28 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop28_jdk11_linux.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop26 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop26_jdk11_linux_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop27 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop27_jdk11_linux_debug.txt 2>&1
- mvn clean install -X -P fop28 >> sample_build_log/build_log_profile_fop28_jdk11_linux_debug.txt 2>&1
As can be noted, in the build linked to Apache FOP 2.6 is possible to read the log of the custom ResourceResolver :
2022-11-20 18:29:15.358 [main] INFO - TestClassLoaderResourceResolver.getResource() -> file:/C:/workspace/git/fop-custom-resource-resolver-poc/./target/classes/font/TitilliumWeb-Bold.ttf
2022-11-20 18:29:15.477 [main] INFO - TestClassLoaderResourceResolver.getResource() -> file:/C:/workspace/git/fop-custom-resource-resolver-poc/./target/classes/font/TitilliumWeb-BoldItalic.ttf
2022-11-20 18:29:15.492 [main] INFO - TestClassLoaderResourceResolver.getResource() -> file:/C:/workspace/git/fop-custom-resource-resolver-poc/./target/classes/font/TitilliumWeb-Italic.ttf
2022-11-20 18:29:15.503 [main] INFO - TestClassLoaderResourceResolver.getResource() -> file:/C:/workspace/git/fop-custom-resource-resolver-poc/./target/classes/font/TitilliumWeb-Regular.ttf
2022-11-20 18:29:16.512 [main] INFO - TestClassLoaderResourceResolver.getResource() -> classpath://font/TitilliumWeb-Regular.ttf
The same lines are not present when using the profiles linking to Apache FOP 2.7 and 2.8.
PS: the original library project where this BUG was found is Fugerit Venus.