- Vue.js
- Element UI
- Webpack + Babel
- More dependencies see the package.json
This Project is built with Vue-CLI.
For a detailed guide with recipes for common tasks, detailed usage for each plugin, please see the full documentation.
# install dependencies
cnpm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
cnpm run dev
# build for production with minification
cnpm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
cnpm run build --report
Pit Encountered | Result | Solution |
try to use Parcel instead of Webpack | failed | use Webpack instead |
try to add dependencies one by one instead of using Vue CLI | failed | use Vue CLI instead |
try to publish docs/ floder to freeCodeCodeCamp-XiAn.github.io | failed | change project name into home |
try to write pure CSS without any CSS Layout | give up | import element-ui as a dependency |