This project was the first one developed for the class of Analysis and Synthesis of Algorithms, taken during the first semester of the second year of my bachelor's degree @IST.
Maximize the profit that can be extracted from a rectangular marble sheet when cutting it into smaller rectangular pieces. The approach to solving this problem is similar to the one used in the knapsack problem. A dynamic programming approach is employed to avoid recomputing optimal solutions to subproblems.
- Refer to the file
for the project's instructions and details. - Refer to the file
for the full report on the solution's time complexity and description.
Source Code: The source code for the problem's solution is in proj1.cpp
To compile proj1.cpp
, use:
g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -Wall proj1.cpp -lm
Unit Tests: To generate unit test files for the problem, compile and run gen_supermarble.cpp
To compile gen_supermarble.cpp
, use:
g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -Wall -o gen_supermarble gen_supermarble.cpp -lm
To run gen_supermarble.cpp
and create a unit test file, use:
./gen_supermarble N M P > testfile (where N and M are the dimensions of the marble sheet, P the number of pieces and testfile the name of the unit test)