Most Kubernetes sample applications demonstrate how to run web applications or databases in the orchestrator. Those workloads run until terminated.
However, Kubernetes is also able to run jobs, or in other words, a container that runs for a finite amount of time.
Jobs in Kubernetes can be classified in two:
- Cron Job: run periodically based on defined schedule
- Run to Completion: run N amount of times
This repository contains a demo application that schedules Run to Completion
jobs in a Kubernetes cluster taking advantage of Virtual Kubelet in order to preserved allocated resources. It has an option to integration with Event Grid to notify once a job has been completed.
Company is using a Kubernetes cluster to host a few applications. Cluster resource utilisation is high and team wants to avoid oversizing. One of the teams has new requirement to run jobs with unpredictable loads. In high peaks, the required compute resources will exceed provisioned cluster.
A solution to this problem is to leverage Virtual Kubelet, scheduling jobs outside the cluster in case workload would starve available resources.
In my experience running the sample application using Virtual Kubelet had the following results:
Location | Image Repository | Min Duration | Max Duration |
Cluster | doesn't matter (image is cached) | 7 secs | 35 secs |
ACI | ACR | 35 secs | 60 secs |
ACI | Docker Hub | 35 secs | 80 secs |
There are other options to run jobs in Azure (i.e. Azure Functions, Azure Batch, WebJobs). The option presented here might suit better a team that wishes to leverage containers and orchestrators experience.
Virtual Kubelet is an open source project allowing Kubernetes to schedule workloads outside of the reserved cluster nodes.
For more information refer to documentation:
According to the documentation it should be possible to set a service principal with access to ACR. However, it does not seem to work. You will see the following message on the job pod:
Status: Pending
Reason: ProviderFailed
Message: api call to got HTTP response status code 400 error code "InaccessibleImage": The image '' in container group 'xxxx' is not accessible. Please check the image and registry credential.
The workaround describe in the GitHub issue requires us to create a secret and pass it to the pullImageSecrets Creating the secret is documented here:
kubectl create secret docker-registry my-acr-auth --docker-server --docker-username "<service principal id>" --docker-password "<service principal password>" --docker-email "<email address>"
Additionally, deploy the Jobs API with the correct JOBIMAGEPULLSECRET
Running a job in Kubernetes is similar to deploying a web application. The difference is how we define the YAML file.
Take for example the Kubernetes demo job defined by the YAML below:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: pi
- name: pi
image: perl
command: ["perl", "-Mbignum=bpi", "-wle", "print bpi(2000)"]
restartPolicy: Never
backoffLimit: 4
Running the job in Kubernetes with kubectl is demonstrated below:
kubectl apply -f
Viewing running jobs
$ kubectl get jobs
pi 1 1 15s
Viewing the job result:
# find first pod where the job name is "pi", then list the logs
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -l "job-name=pi" -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') && clear && kubectl logs $POD_NAME
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385 REMOVED-TO-SAVE-SPACE
To run the same job using Virtual Kubelet add the pod selection/affinity information as the yaml below:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: aci-pi
- name: aci-pi
image: perl
command: ["perl", "-Mbignum=bpi", "-wle", "print bpi(2000)"]
cpu: "1"
memory: "1Gi"
restartPolicy: Never
nodeSelector: linux agent
type: virtual-kubelet
- key:
operator: Equal
value: azure
effect: NoSchedule
backoffLimit: 4
The code found in this repository has 4 components:
Jobs API (/server)
Web API to manage jobs. Executing of new jobs is redirect depending on the thresholds defined for local cluster workloads.
The implementation uses the Kubernetes API to schedule jobs. State is obtained from native kubernetes objects and metadata.
Job input file is copied to Azure Storage. Index files are created to enable parallelism in job execution. -
Job Worker (/workers/dotnet)
Sample implementation of a job worker. Job worker will create an output file for each input file. An additional job (finalizer) builds a single output from multiple intermediate results (dummy map/reduce). -
Job Finalizer (/finalizers/dotnet)
Sample implementation of job finalizer, aggregation all intermediate file into one. The implementation found here is a simple file concatenation. Complexer implementations require additional computing. -
Job Watcher (/watcher)
A low resource utilization job that watches the worker job. Once finished it starts the finalizer job. If Event Grid is configure it will wait until the finalizer job is complete to publish the event.
Starting a new job requires sending a file through the Jobs API. A post request to http://api-url/jobs with the input file (as upload file like the example below) creates a job:
{ "id": "1", "value1": 3123, "value2": 321311, "op": "+" }
{ "id": "2", "value1": 3123, "value2": 321311, "op": "-" }
{ "id": "3", "value1": 3123, "value2": 321311, "op": "/" }
{ "id": "4", "value1": 3123, "value2": 321311, "op": "*" }
The result of the create job request is the jobID. The outcome of a job performed by workers is the following:
As mentioned before, the Jobs API will create index files that will identity where each N amount of lines start on the input file. Those small index files will be used by workers to lease a range of lines to be processed, preventing parallel workers from processing the same content.
Create a new storage account (the sample application will store input and output files there)
Deploy application to your AKS with the provided yaml file. Keep in mind that the deployment will create a new public IP since the service is of type LoadBalancer. Modify the deployment yaml file to contain your storage credentials.
If the target Kubernetes cluster has role based access control (RBAC), we need to give access permission to the batch job api. The file deployment-rbac
will create the service account, role and role binding needed before creating the deployment and service:
# with rbac (service account assignment on pod)
kubectl apply -f deployment-rbac.yaml
# without rbac
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
- Watch the Jobs API logs
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -l "app=jobscheduler" -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') && clear && kubectl logs $POD_NAME -f
- Create a new job by uploading an input file (modify the file path)
curl -X POST \
http://{location-of-jobs-api}/jobs \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
-F file=@/path/to/sample_large_work.json
- Look at the job status
curl http://{location-of-jobs-api}/jobs/{job-id}
- Download the job result once finished in parts or as a single file (remove the
query string parameter)
curl http://{location-of-jobs-api}/jobs/{job-id}/results?part=13 --output results-part-13.json
Besides interacting with Azure Storage, the API schedules jobs in Kubernetes using the client API (using the go-client).
Action | Description |
POST /jobs | Receives a file upload, copy to az storage, create index files and starts K8s job |
GET /jobs | Retrieves all jobs |
GET /jobs/{id} | Retrieves detail of a job |
GET /jobs/{id}/results | Retrieves result of a complete job |
The job creation process is the following:
While (reads line from input file)
Add line to local buffer
Whenever N lines were read, create a index file
Whenever local buffer is almost full (~4 MB), write to blob
End While
Create Kubernetes job based on total_lines. Data returned from the Jobs API is retrieved from the Azure Storage or Kubernetes objects & metadata.
The API can be configures using environment variables as detailed here:
Environment Variable | Description | Default value |
STORAGEACCOUNT | Storage account name | |
STORAGEKEY | Storage account key | |
CONTAINER | Storage container name | jobs |
MAXPARALLELISM | Max parallelism for local cluster | 2 |
ACIMAXPARALLELISM | Max parallelism for ACI | 50 |
ITEMSPERJOB | Items per job | 100'000 |
ACICOMPLETIONSTRIGGER | Defines the amount of completions necessary to execute the job using virtual kubelet | Default is 6. 0 to disable ACI |
ACIHOSTNAME | Defines the ACI host name | virtual-kubelet-virtual-kubelet-linux-westeurope |
JOBIMAGE | Image to be used in job | fbeltrao/aksjobscheduler-worker-dotnet:1.0 |
JOBIMAGEPULLSECRET | Defines the image pull secret when using a private image repository. Secret created from the command kubectl create secret docker-registry ... |
JOBCPULIMIT | Job CPU limit for local cluster | 0.5 |
ACIJOBCPULIMIT | Job CPU limit for ACI | 1 |
JOBMEMORYLIMIT | Job Memory limit for local cluster | 256Mi |
ACIJOBMEMORYLIMIT | Job Memory limit for ACI | 1Gi |
DEBUGLOG | Enabled debug log level | false |
JOBWATCHERIMAGE | Image running the job watcher | fbeltrao/aksjobscheduler-watcher:1.0 |
JOBWATCHERSERVICEACCOUNTNAME | Service account used by watcher pod | |
JOBFINALIZERIMAGE | Defines image for the job finalizer | fbeltrao/aksjobscheduler-finalizer-dotnet:1.0 |
JOBFINALIZERCPULIMIT | Defines the CPU limit for finalizer job pod running on local cluster | 0.5 |
JOBFINALIZERMEMORYLIMIT | Defines the memory limit for finalizer job pod running in local cluster | |
EVENTGRIDENDPOINT | Event Grid event endpoint to publish when job is complete | |
EVENTGRIDSASKEY | Event Grid sas key used to publish when job is complete |
Source code is located at /server
The provided worker implementation is based on .NET Core. A worker execution happens in the following way:
If lease to a index file is acquired
Periodically renew lease
Process lines defined by leased index file, writing to output file
Delete leased index file
End If
Source code is located at /workers/dotnet/
There are two ways to identify when a job has finished:
- By polling the API /jobs/{id}
"id": "2018-10-8405256245329624086",
"status": "Complete",
"startTime": "2018-10-30T15:43:10Z",
"completionTime": "2018-10-30T15:43:22Z",
"succeeded": 2,
"parallelism": 1,
"completions": 2,
"storageContainer": "jobs",
"storageBlobPrefix": "2018-10/8405256245329624086",
"runningOnAci": false
- By using Event Grid. If an event grid endpoint and sas keys was provided to the Jobs API the job watcher will wait until worker and aggregator jobs are finalized to publish an event.
GPU support is being added to Azure Container Instances. This feature is currently in private preview.
The Virtual Kubelet implementation with gpu support is not yet in master branch, current progress can be seen here:
In order to try (assuming you are part of ACI GPU private preview) do the following:
- Using helm, install the experimental version of Virtual Kubelet:
helm install "" \
--name "virtual-kubelet" \
--set provider=azure \
--set \
--set image.tag="aci-gpu.0.1" \
--set env.aciRegion="eastus"
- Trigger the job to use aci and gpu by using query parameters when creating a new job
POST http://{url}/jobs?gpu=K80&gpuQuantity=1&aci=1
This is a list of things that should be improved:
- Accessing ACR images from virtual kubelet (GitHub issue)
- Review io reading from storage in job scheduler. I am new to golang, there might be better ways to implement it
- Use proper dependency management in go project
- Update documentation once ACI GPU support is general available