is a micro library for getting Merkle root from the hex-encoded transactions.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding merkle_root
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:merkle_root, "~> 0.1.0"}
- Clone repo:
git clone
cd merkle_root
- Get all dependencies:
mix deps.get
- Compile application and run interactive shell:
iex -S mix
# Getting Merkle root from the file containing hex-encoded transactions
iex> MerkleRoot.get_root("./input.txt", :file)
# or getting Merkle root from the ordered list which contains hex-encoded transactions
iex> MerkleRoot.get_root(["77d519a56a3bb197bca02ed25f880a122487914556d587588e633c8368d13053", "915961583d426ff5d6726ee59ff7e1ad234d8343f60c57ab023b21741fdba723"], :list)
# Benchmarking the solution
iex> Benchmark.measure(fn -> MerkleRoot.get_root("./input.txt", :file) end)
For running tests:
mix test
Structuring the code so that it can utilize the Flow library for paralalelizing processing of transactions and their hashing.