This repository has been archived.
You can use Material Components Android directly, or other libraries (Material Dialogs, TapTargetView, etc.) for drop-in components.
All the values from the Material Design guidelines defined in resources for Android.
Use the documentation for more information.
Here is an overview of the values covered by this library:
- Bottom navigation
- Bottom sheet
- Buttons
- Cards
- Chips
- Dialogs
- Dividers
- Expansion panels
- Grid lists
- Lists
- Menus
- Steppers
- Subheaders
- Tooltips
Just add this dependency to your build.gradle:
compile 'blue.aodev:material-values:1.1.1'
The artifact is currently only available on jCenter, not mavenCentral. Make sure that your buildscript repositories include jCenter.
A changelog is available here.
Inspired by DmitryMalkovich's material-design-dimens.
© 2016 Ao (Matthieu Esnault) - Released under Apache-2.0 License