- CA
- http://elijahmeeks.com/
- @elijah_meeks
- Pro
⚡️🧪 Fast LLM Tool Calling Experimentation, big and smol
A JavaScript library for computing and drawing Sankey graphs
A plugin for tableau built off of semiotic hierarchy charts
The Data Explorer is nteract's automatic visualization tool.
🎨 Interactive version of Sanzo Wada's - "A Dictionary of Color Combinations"
Automatic data visualization in atom with the nteract data-explorer
Layout algorithms for visualizing directed acyclic graphs
A directed multi-graph library for JavaScript
📘 The interactive computing suite for you! ✨
Example nteract notebooks with links to execution on mybinder.org
Scalable analysis of large high-dimensional data
Create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance
Creating watercolor-style canvas art
Placing labels on a timeline without overlap.
A fork of the d3-sankey library to allow circular links.
A robust & multipurpose Graph object for JavaScript & TypeScript.
A natural attraction/repulsion force type for the d3-force simulation engine
A little word cloud generator in Python
Use d3-annotation with built-in annotation types, or extend it to make custom annotations. It is made for d3-v4 in SVG.
Force-directed graph layout using velocity Verlet integration.
A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations