This is a simple and easy-to-use library for interacting with the Instagram. The library works through the web interface of the Instagram and does not depend on the official API
To basic installation you should have git, python3 (prefer python3.6 or later), pip (optionally) in your system
1. git clone
2. cd InstaParser
3. pip install .
3. python install
To installation via Virtualenv, you should have git, python3 (prefer python3.6 or later), pip (optionally) and virtualenv in your system
1. git clone
2. cd InstaParser
3. source venv/bin/activate
4. pip install .
4. python install
5. deactivate
xGod ( is a convenient manager for managing the assembly, installation, and deployment of the environment. You can say that this is an extended make
1. git clone
2. cd InstaParser/deploy
3. xgod/xgod build.xg install
This action will automatically configure and install the package in a virtual environment. This is fine if you just want to test the library in your own code
After installation, you can use the library in your code. Below is a sneak example of using the library
from instaparser.agents import Agent
from instaparser.entities import Account, Media
agent = Agent()
account = Account("zuck")
media1, pointer = agent.get_media(account)
media2, pointer = agent.get_media(account, count=50, pointer=pointer)
This code allows you to download brief information about the first media from Mark Zuckerberg's public page in the Instagram
All the entities in the Instagram were represented in the library as:
- Account
- Media
- Location
- Tag
- Comment
Each entity has a unique key:
- Account - username
- Media - code
- Location - id
- Tag - name
- Comment - id
Below is an example of creating all entities
from instagram.entities import Account, Media, Location, Tag, Comment
account = Account("zuck")
media = Media("Bk09NSFn3IX")
location = Location(4132822)
tag = Tag("instagram")
comment = Comment(id=17961800224030417, media=media, owner=account, text="Nice pic Yaz...",
Do not be afraid to create entities with the same keys, so each key belongs to only one object and it can not be broken
from instagram.entities import Account
a = Account("test")
b = Account("test")
print(a is b) # True
To create an Account entity as an argument, the constructor should pass the user name
account = Account("zuck")
The Account object has the following fields:
- id
- login
- full_name
- profile_pic_url
- profile_pic_url_hd
- fb_page
- biography
- follows_count
- followers_count
- media_count
- is_private
- is_verified
- country_block
- media
- follows
- followers
To create an Media entity as an argument, the constructor should pass the shortcode
media = Media("Bk09NSFn3IX")
The Media object has the following fields:
- id
- code
- caption
- owner
- date
- location
- likes_count
- comments_count
- comments_disabled
- is_video
- video_url
- is_ad
- display_url
- dimensions
- likes
- comments
To create an Location entity as an argument, the constructor should pass the id
location = Location(4132822)
The Location object has the following fields:
- id
- slug
- name
- has_public_page
- directory
- coordinates
- media_count
- media
- top_posts
To create an Tag entity as an argument, the constructor should pass the name
tag = Tag("instagram")
The Tag object has the following fields:
- name
- media_count
- media
- top_posts
To create an Comment entity as an argument, the constructor should pass the id, Media object, owner (Account object), text and created time in unix format
tag = Tag("instagram")
The Tag object has the following fields:
- id
- media
- owner
- text
- created_at
An agent is an object that produces all actions with Instagram. The agent can be anonymous and authorized
Each method of agents can take a "setting" argument, which is a dictionary and contains the necessary settings for connecting to the Internet and instagram. The dictionary with the settings is directly passed to the request method of the "requists" library, so it is necessary to specify the settings in the format in which their methods of "requests" are accepted
or simple agent - agent that does not require authorization to work with instagram. In contrast to the authorized agent has some limitations
You can create anonymous agent as follows
from instagram.agents import Agent
agent = Agent()
What anonymous agent can do?
- update(self, obj=None, settings={})
This method updates the information about the transferred entity
obj - entity for updating (Account, Media, Location, Tag)
settings - dict with settings for connection
- get_media(self, obj, pointer=None, count=12, settings={}, limit=50)
This metod return list of entity media and pointer for next page with medias
obj - entity (Account, Location, Tag)
pointer - pointer for next page with medias
count - number of last media records
settings - dict with settings for connection
limit - limit of medias in one request
- get_likes(self, media, settings={})
This metod return list of media likes
media - media entity
settings - dict with settings for connection
- get_comments(self, media, pointer=None, count=35, settings={}, limit=50)
This metod return list of media comments and pointer for next page with comments
media - media entity
pointer - pointer for next page with comments
count - number of last comments records
settings - dict with settings for connection
limit - limit of comments in one request
Agent who requires authorization for login and password for work
You can create authorized agent as follows
from instagram.agents import Agent
agent = AgentAccount("username", "password")
What authorized agent can do?
- update(self, obj=None, settings={})
This method updates the information about the transferred entity
obj - entity for updating (Account, Media, Location, Tag)
settings - dict with settings for connection
- get_media(self, obj, pointer=None, count=12, settings={}, limit=12)
This metod return list of entity media and pointer for next page with medias
obj - entity (Account, Location, Tag)
pointer - pointer for next page with medias
count - number of last media records
settings - dict with settings for connection
limit - limit of medias in one request
- get_likes(self, media, pointer=None, count=20, settings={}, limit=50)
This metod return list of media likes and pointer for next page with likes
media - media entity
pointer - pointer for next page with likes
count - number of last likes records
settings - dict with settings for connection
limit - limit of likes in one request
- get_follows(self, account=None, pointer=None, count=20, settings={}, limit=50)
This metod return list of account follows and pointer for next page with follows
account - account entity
pointer - pointer for next page with follows
count - number of last follows records
settings - dict with settings for connection
limit - limit of follows in one request
- get_followers(self, account=None, pointer=None, count=20, settings={}, limit=50)
This metod return list of followers follows and pointer for next page with followers
account - account entity
pointer - pointer for next page with followers
count - number of last followers records
settings - dict with settings for connection
limit - limit of followers in one request
- feed(self, pointer=None, count=12, settings={}, limit=50)
This metod return feed and pointer for next page
pointer - pointer for next page
count - number of last records
settings - dict with settings for connection
limit - limit of medias in one request
- like(self, media, settings={})
This method like media
media - media entity
settings - dict with settings for connection
- unlike(self, media, settings={})
This method unlike media
media - media entity
settings - dict with settings for connection
- add_comment(self, media, text, settings={})
This method create a comment under media
media - media entity
text - text for comment
settings - dict with settings for connection
- delete_comment(self, comment, settings={})
This method delete a comment
comment - comment for deleting
settings - dict with settings for connection
- follow(self, account, settings={})
This method follow to user
account - account for following
settings - dict with settings for connection
- unfollow(self, account, settings={})
This method unfollow to user
account - account for unfollowing
settings - dict with settings for connection
Any useful examples with InstaParser
- Parsing all photos from feed (the method is suitable for all list structures)
from instaparser.agents import Agent
from instaparser.entities import Media
photos = []
agent = Agent()
medias, pointer = agent.feed()
for media in medias:
if not media.is_video:
while not pointer is None:
medias, pointer = agent.feed(pointer=pointer)
for media in medias:
if not media.is_video:
- Use proxy
from instaparser.agents import Agent
settings = {"proxies": {"any_ip": any_port}}
agent = Agent(settings=settings)
- Change http handler
from instaparser.agents import Agent, exception_handler
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
def handler(exception, *args, **kwargs):
print("I think it is not a critical error. Maybe, try again with new parameters?")
args.append("It is new parameter")
return (args, kwargs)
exception_handler[HTTPError] = handler
You can help me in three ways:
You can test the library using tests that are in the repository in the "tests" folder. Testing is done using PyTest.
You can run the tests in the following ways:
- PyTest from OS
py.test -v -s "tests/" "tests/" "tests/"
- PyTest from Virtualenv
source VENV/bin/activate
py.test -v -s "tests/" "tests/" "tests/"
- PyTest by xGod
cd deploy
xgod/xgod build.xg tests
For testing in the folder "tests", you need to create a config.json file, the template file is also located in the folder "tests" - .config.json
You can also test the library for syntax errors using PyLint. I do not know how to solve some problems that the PyLint gives out, and I will be glad if you will offer possible solutions
- PyLint from OS
files=$(find "$src_dir" -name "*.py")
for file in ${files[@]}
pylint "$file"
- PyLint from Virtualenv
source VENV/bin/activate
files=$(find "$src_dir" -name "*.py")
for file in ${files[@]}
pylint "$file"
- PyLint by xGod
cd deploy
xgod/xgod build.xg lint
Also you can add a new feature and send it using the requester pool
A win-win option is to send me a couple of cents for a cup of coffee