The purpose of this project is to scrape the specified URL, determine the availability of each plant (In Stock/Not In Stock), put all of the data in an Excel spreadsheet, and send it to the customer via email.
- send the Excel spreadsheet to the client/user via email. [DONE/COMPLETED - 7/11/2020 -]
- send the results to the client/user via SMS with the help of Twilio. [DONE/COMPLETED - 7/5/2020 -]
- send the client/user an SMS notification when the website is down for a restock [NO LONGER WORKS DUE TO CHANGES IN THE WEBSITE -]
- sends the customer an email and text message via Twilio when a restock is taking place. Also emails me in the event of an unexpected error. [DONE/COMPLETED/IN USE - 4/9/2021 -]