Fledgeling prototype: The Gatherer
This is a software prototype to test some Fledgeling implementation ideas. The parent project blog is here: http://blog.projectfledgeling.com/
Prototype goals (progress may be synchronous): 0. Create Specific Scenarios 1. Character gathers food and water 2. Tribe explores territory for food sources and farms 3. Shop keeper accumulates wealth from obscure caches, communicates to locate them.
- Implement a nested node framework
- Robust nested node structure
- Approximate number system?
- Automatic Parent transfer
- Property aggregation with caching
- Sub-object ejection when properties exceed parent capacity
- Node property interface
- Text based info readout and entry
- Level of Depth limitation
- Approximate Quantity/Quality descriptors? (are approximate numbers good enough?)
- Node search?
- Node Address System?
- Text based info readout and entry
- Robust nested node structure
- Implement a working ideaspace containing essentials for characters
- character qualities
- verb qualities
- noun qualities
- Approximate descriptors? Metaphors? Is this automatic?
- Implement a working instance/concrete space containing essentials for character interactions
- Implement a history/memory model which allows characters to move and consume resources
- Implement a desire/plan model which allows characters to form and constructively act on goals
- Implement a communication model which allows characters to transfer memories and goals
- Multi-character "simultaneous" processing? Do we get this for free with nesting?
- Subscription and notification?
- Language?
- Graphical Interface?
- Node Structure Explorer
- Node visualization
- Node creation/alteration
Other ideas? Things I missed?