PHP class to interface with nike api
Simply get a Nike API V2 Token - Right now the only way is at until they get there oAuth 2 service working
Include the file
add your token from the Nike Developer Site $token = ''; // Your Token
Create the Class $np = new nikeplusapi($token);
Prep the Browser for print_r echo '<pre>';
Sport will get your sports (see the nike API) print_r($np->sport());
Activities returns all of your activities options include Page and the number of products (see the nike API) print_r($np->activities());
(I spoke to Nike and they are aware that at this time pagination doesn't work - anything over page 0 returns nothing)
Get specifics on a Activity print_r($np->activity(2095521418));
Get GPS data if available on a Activity print_r($np->gps(2095521418));