Basic Setup Includes
setting up host i.e. http://localhost settings up folder /jmvc-example/
All of the other config optional
/* console logging function if exists and debug is on IE (no console) safe Load it here this way it's available before the includes are loaded incase we want to log something */ mvc.log = function () {
/* mvc.route(controller,method); load controller based on controller/method */ mvc.route = function (controller, method) {
/* attach a even and data to a item $("#id").mvcAction('click',function() { alert('welcome'); }, {}); event = click,mouseover,change,keyup func = or func = function() { alert('welcome'); }; optional data = json object */ jQuery.fn.mvcAction = function (event, func, data) {
/* var output = mvc.view('template',movies);
Get view template, compile it, and phrase it. name = name of the template file to load - also used as the name of the compiled template data = phrase into the template */ mvc.view = function (name,data) {
/* replace jQuery('#movieList2').mvcView('logic',movies); */ jQuery.fn.mvcView = function (name,data) { // phrase and render the template jQuery(this).html(mvc.view(name,data)); };
/* load json properties into html based on matching selectors matches on id,class,form element name will also run scripts mvc_pre_merge and mvc_post_merge */ mvc.merge = function (json) {
/* Getters return complete mvc data object var value = $("#selector").mvcData(); (returns object)
return specific value var value = $("#selector").mvcData("age"); (return value or undefined)
Setters $("#selector").mvcData({}); (clears it out)
$("#selector").mvcData("name","value"); */ jQuery.fn.mvcData = function (name, value) {
/* Generic Event Set/Get
var events = $("#mvcClick").mvcEvent(); - get all the events
var bol = $("#mvcClick").mvcEvent('click'); - does it have this event?
$("#mvcClick").mvcEvent('click',{}); - clear click even
$("#mvcClick").mvcEvent({}); - clear all events
var func = function() { alert("Attached a new event"); }; $("#mvcClick").mvcEvent('mouseover',func); - attach a function
$('#mvcClick").mvcEvent('click',function() { alert('event') });
*/ jQuery.fn.mvcEvent = function (event, func) {
/* execute code function or string */ mvc.exec = function (code) {
/* client based redirect */ mvc.redirect = function (url) {
/* Does this object exist in the DOM? if ($("#selector).exists) { do something } */ jQuery.fn.exists = function() {
create a wrapper for
/* More complete Ajax $.mvcAjax({}); */ mvc.request = function(settings) {
/* load a external file */ mvc.load = function(file) {
/* external load a mvc model */ mvc.model = function(file) {
/* this will make a copy of a object without the methods which jack up some ajax calls and other stuff */ mvc.clone = function(obj) {
/* create unique id */ mvc.uuid = function () {