This repository contains my notes on common algorithms in competitive programming. The explainations are by no means complete and also very consise. Mainly, it concentrates on the implementation side, to use as a quick look-up. If you find something is missing in a specific section or have a question, please reach out to me! Note this readme is work in progress.
- Maths
- Graphs
- Dynammic Data-Structures
- Dynammic Programming
- String Processing
- Else
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla laoreet diam egestas libero luctus, id malesuada ex ultrices. Suspendisse vestibulum hendrerit mi, rhoncus imperdiet nisl sodales in. Morbi sit amet lobortis tellus. Duis cursus nunc et velit rhoncus porta. Pellentesque felis orci, viverra et porttitor eget, dignissim sed mi. Donec ac sagittis est. Donec at nibh sem. Suspendisse at pulvinar ligula, ut mollis mauris. Cras ultricies maximus viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
When calculating it wihout modulo, use Pascal's Formula to prevent unneccesary overflow when calculating the binomial coefficent.
Pascal's Formula for :
Pascal's formula In code (long long overflows for n>66):
vector<vector<ll>>bincoefs(66, vector<ll>(66, 1));
for(int n = 1; n<66; ++n){
for(int m = 1; m< n; ++m){
bincoefs[n][m] = bincoefs[n-1][m] + bincoefs[n-1][m-1];
With Modulo (precalculate factorials and use modulo arithmetic) - use normal Formula :
// out of main:
long long C(long long n, long long k, long long m, long long fact[]){
// binomial coeffiecents with modulo m
// n! / ((n-k)! k!)
// to use the modular arithmetic, we need to finde the inverse of (n-k)! and k!
// factorials need to be precalculated and taken modulo
if(n < k) return 0;
return (((fact[n] * invEea(fact[k], m)) % m) * invEea(fact[n-k], m)) % m;
// in main:
long long fact[100001];
// precalcualte factorials
for(int i=1; i<100001;++i){
fact[i] = (fact[i-1]*i)%MOD;
// 100000 C 5000:
long long ret = C(100000, 50000, MOD, fact); // (100000 choose 50000)%1000000007 = 149033233
- Growth for fixed m, approx:
- is even iff you can find in the binary representation of n a zero where in p is a 1 at the same position.
- To find odd Coeficients: print pascals-triangle
- Difference to Permutations: Order doesn't matter, thus there are fewer combinations than permutations.
- combinations of n elements taken r:
- Binomial Theorem , where .
- To get all subsets of size k from a set of size n ( many), use backtracking: comb1 and comb2
- Combinations to put r elements in k bins: . To see that, create bijection: separate bins with k-1 stripes "|" (here k=4) and now calculate how many possibiliters there are, to put r dots:
- The Power-set. The number of subsets of set with k elements (including the empty set):
- The number of subsets with only even elements of a set with k elements is . Intuition: Half of the subsets have eben number of elements, the other half odds number of elements.
Proof with Pascal's Formula:
Number of Subsets with even number of elements: .
You get the same result when only considering subsets with odd elements. Thus they divide perfectly. - The sum of XOR of all possible subsets of a set with n elemnts:
Lets consider only the ith bit, and how the ith bit will contribute to the total sum. Therefore, lets define k as the number of numbers, with the ith bit set.
Case 1 k>0:
Then we need to take an even number of these. From the set of this k numbers, the number of subsets with an even amount is , like described above. Now, the amount of other subsequences without ith bit set is . Multiplied together is the total amount of subsequences with even number of numbers with ith bit set, thus . Therefore, the total contribution of the ith bit is . Note this does not depend on k, but rather if the bit is set or not in any of these given numbers.
Case 2 k==0:
Then it does not contribute to the total sum.
int xorSum(vector<int> v){
int bits = 0;
for (int i=0; i < v.size(); ++i)
bits |= v[i];
return bits * pow(2, v.size()-1);
Let the multinomial coefficient is given by:
- Number of ways to put n interchangeable objets into k boxes, s.t. in box i are elements
- Number of unique permutations of a word with n letters and k distinct letters, s.t. i-th letter occurs times.
E.g. permutating a mask vector
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
, leads to .
Difference to Binomial-Coefficients: Now the Order matters. Total Permutations of sequence of length n: .
Implementation via backtracking. In c++, sortable container can be permutated lexicographically (already adjusted for same elements) via in-build
and next_permutation
vector<int> test = {1,2,3};
while (next_permutation(test.begin(), test.end())){
// do sth
- permutations of n elements taken only r: , meaning the permutatins of the remaining (n-r) are not included
- Derangement count: Count all permutations in which all elements are at different positions (from their initial position). Formula:
derange(n) = (n - 1) * [derange(n - 1) + derange(n - 2)]
Recusive Forumula (long long overflows for n>21):
long long derange[22];
derange[1] = 0;
derange[2] = 1;
for(int i =3; i<22; ++i){
derange[i] = (i-1) * (derange[i-1] + derange[i-2]);
cout << derange[i] <<endl;
Proof Derangement: Let's consider a random permuation (e.g., [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
Then, for the first element you have (n-1) options. Lets assume it goes to i. Now there are two possible options:
Case 1: You have a perfect swap (i and 1) -> derange(i-2)
Case 2: You don’t have a perfect swap. Then, the i-th element can choose all elements apart of 1 and i, the remaining j can choose all apart of j and i. Thus, all remaining (n-1) have (n-2) Possibilities -> derange(i-1)
The sequence 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, ... is called Catalan Numbers.
Recursive Formula: without mod (wachstum , thus long long overflows at n>32)
long long cat[33];
cat[0] = 1;
for(int i=1; i<33; ++i){
cat[i] = (4*i+1) * cat[i-1] / (i+2);
cout << cat[i] << endl;
with mod:
int max_n = 100001;
ll cat[max_n];
cat[0] = 1;
for(int i=1; i<=max_n; ++i){
cat[i] = ((4*i+2)%MOD * cat[i-1]%MOD *invEea(i+2, MOD)) % MOD;
cout << cat[i] << endl;
- Number of distinct binary trees with n vertices
- Number of ways n pairs of parentheses could match: n=2 pairs: ()() (())
- Number of ways an expression with binary operations can be bracketet
- Number of ways a polygon with n+2 sides can be triangled
- Number of ways you can pass from (0, 0) to (n, n) in a grid without passing/touching the diagonal (being only in the lower half)
- More complex examples: Totorial by Dardy
The sequence 1, 1, 3, 11, 45, 197, 903, 4279, 20793, 103049, ... is called Super-Catalan Numbers.
Recursive Formula: Note, long long overflows at n>27
long long super[28];
super[0] = 0;
super[1] = 1;
for(int i=2; i<28; ++i){
super[i] = ((6*i - 9) * super[i-1] - (i-3) * super[i-2]) / i;
cout << super[i] << endl;
- Number of ways you can pass from (0, 0) to (n, n) in a grid without passing the diagonal (toching the diagonal is ok) (being only in the lower half)
- number of trees with n leaves & non-leaves >=2 childern
- Number of non binary bracketing: x(xxx)x here (xxx) has 3 and not 2 elements
Note that there are bijective mappings between the specific usecases, e.g., between the number of non-binary backeting and the number of trees with >= 2 children.
The sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, ... is called fibonaccie sequence
Code (Growth ca ; long long will overflow for n>64) for runtime:
for(int i =2; i<65; i++){
fibs.push_back(fibs[i-1] + fibs[i-2]);
If calculating the Fibonaccis modulo m, eventually there will be a circle. Let the circle be of length l, then assume that it will be on 0:
int pisanoPeriod(int mod){ // O(n^2)
int fib1 = 0, fib2=1;
int period = 0;
while(true){ // assume, that there is indead a pisano period
// by pigoen hole principle there is at least on tuple fib_i fib_i+1 which whill be equal to another one after n**2
// doesnt have to be start though
int newFib = (fib1+fib2) % mod;
fib1 = fib2;
fib2 = newFib;
if(fib1==0 && fib2==1){
return period;
Fibonacci can be presented as a binary string 1010 means: . It can be shown that two 1 are never together, as for example, 2 and 3 would form the 5, which then sets the bit of 5 and unset bits for 2 and 3
With divide and conquer, the power p of a quadratic matrix can be computed in runtime. Note that here the dimension d of the matrix is small, and the matrix-multiplication of is neglectable. For implementation see matrix power.
Recursive Formula:
Matrix A(2);
A.mat[0][0] = 1;
A.mat[0][1] = 1;
A.mat[1][0] = 1;
A.mat[1][1] = 0;
Matrix ret = modPowMat(A, n);
cout << ret.mat[0][1] << endl; //the n-th fib number, modulo MOD in O(log n)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla laoreet diam egestas libero luctus, id malesuada ex ultrices. Suspendisse vestibulum hendrerit mi, rhoncus imperdiet nisl sodales in. Morbi sit amet lobortis tellus. Duis cursus nunc et velit rhoncus porta. Pellentesque felis orci, viverra et porttitor eget, dignissim sed mi. Donec ac sagittis est. Donec at nibh sem. Suspendisse at pulvinar ligula, ut mollis mauris. Cras ultricies maximus viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla laoreet diam egestas libero luctus, id malesuada ex ultrices. Suspendisse vestibulum hendrerit mi, rhoncus imperdiet nisl sodales in. Morbi sit amet lobortis tellus. Duis cursus nunc et velit rhoncus porta. Pellentesque felis orci, viverra et porttitor eget, dignissim sed mi. Donec ac sagittis est. Donec at nibh sem. Suspendisse at pulvinar ligula, ut mollis mauris. Cras ultricies maximus viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla laoreet diam egestas libero luctus, id malesuada ex ultrices. Suspendisse vestibulum hendrerit mi, rhoncus imperdiet nisl sodales in. Morbi sit amet lobortis tellus. Duis cursus nunc et velit rhoncus porta. Pellentesque felis orci, viverra et porttitor eget, dignissim sed mi. Donec ac sagittis est. Donec at nibh sem. Suspendisse at pulvinar ligula, ut mollis mauris. Cras ultricies maximus viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Usually it is better to just use a dictionary, however when you need to save memory: For example when dealing with huge strings/vectors: Floyds Cycle Detection might be favourable.
Implementation: Let denote the start of cycle, the length of cycle and f the step function.
We have use two pointers, the tortoise t and the hare h. h is moving two times as fast as t. When they finally meet, somewhere in the circle, then t has made i steps, the hare has made these i steps and also circled around in the the circle a bit, thus: . As the hare is twice as fast, we also derive that , and hence .
Setting the tortoise back to the start, then there is a distance of i in between both pointers. Now stepping with both one step, we keep the distance of i of both pointers; that means, when both pointers are within the cycle they have a distance of i, which is .
Leave tortoise at the cycle start and move the hare forward until it is back to the start of the cycle.
Overall code:
int t = f(x0), h = f(f(x0));
while(t != h){
t = f(t); h = f(f(h));
int mu = 0; h =x0; // t = k*lambda
while(t != h){ // determining cycle start index
t = f(t); h = f(h);
h = f(t);
int lambda = 1;
while(t != h){ // determining cycle length
h = f(h);
To check if a graph is bipartite, we can bi-color it with a dfs
vector<int> colors;
bool isBipartite(int idx, int col, vector<vector<int>> &AL){
colros[idx] = col;
for(int next: AL[cur]){
if(colors[next] == -1){
if(!isBipartite(next, col^1, AL)) return false;
}else if(colors[next] == col) return false;
return true;
# in main:
colors.assign(n, -1);
bool bipartite = true;
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
if(colors[i] == -1) bipartite = bipartite && isBipartite(i, 0, AL);
Cycles on undirected graphs exist per defintion. On directed graphs, they can be found via backward-edges.
vector<int> visited;
bool hasCycle(int idx, vector<vector<int>> &AL){
visited[idx] = EXPLORED;
for(int next: AL[idx]){
if(visited[next] == EXPLORED) return true;
if(visited[next] == UNVISITED && hasCycle(next, AL)) return true;
visited[idx] = VISITED;
return false;
# in main:
visited.assign(n, UNVISITED);
bool cycle = false;
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
if(visited[i] == UNVISITED) cycle = cycle || hasCycle(i, AL);
Topological sort allows for sorting a list according to its dependencies (dependencies first). This only works on DAG's.
We need an adjacency-list AL[v] = [..u..]
which means that v
comes before all elments u
in the topological order.
Both algorithm run in . When using the **more flexible Kahn **algorithm together with a priority queue the complexity will be
The Kahn algorithm looks at the in-degree of each node v
. If it is zero then this means, that no element needs to be before v
and we can go ahead with it.
Note that Kahn algorithm is more flexible, as it allows us to change the order for all elemnts which have in-degree = zero at the same time (by using a priority queue). However, this would also let the complexity grow .
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, ::greater<int>> pq; // maybe chose pair<int, int> for more flexible order
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
if(in_degree[i] == 0){
int cur =; pq.pop();
for(int next: AL[cur]){
if(--in_degree[next] == 0){
void topsort(int u, vector<int> &vis, vector<int> &order){
vis[u] = VISITED;
for(int next: AL[u]){
if(vis[next] == UNVISITED){
topsort(next, vis, order);
// in main
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
topsort(i, vis, order);
Here the order
vector only needs to be reversed to contain the correct topological-order.
A graph has an Euler Path, if it is possible to start at an arbitrary node and then traverse through each edge exactly once. Analoguousely, an Euler tour needs to start and end at the same vertex.
- Graph is connected
- Each vertex has an even edge-degree (tour). For a euler path two vertices may have an odd degree.
- Graph is connected (No need for strongly connection. Pretend the graph is undirected and check for connection, this is enough together with condition 2)
- For each vertex
holdsinDegree[i] == outDegree[i]
. For an euler path, the endnode may haveinDegree[i] +1 == outDegree[i]
, together withinDegree[i] == outDegree[i]+1
for the start node.
After checking the above requirements, Hierholzer-algorithm finds a possible euler-path. It runs in and works in a post-order fashion.
Therefore, the result needs to be reversed eventually. Note the gloabl idx
array to memorise the progress for each node.
vector<int> hierholzer(int s, vector<vector<int>> &AL){
// Finds the euler path within a graph in O(E).
// The algorithm passes through the graph rather arbitrarily.
// Idea: If you start u and at some point come back to u, you either have each edge passed (save the progress in vi idx) or you can still have another detour starting from u.
// With the stack you have this kind of post-order (similar to topological sort) -> REVERSE the result
vector<int> ret, stack, idx(AL.size(), 0);
int cur = stack.back();
if(idx[cur] < AL[cur].size()){
int justFinishedCycle = stack.back(); stack.pop_back();
return ret; // needs to be reversed.
A tree-graph of n
nodes has n-1
edges and each node is directly or indirectly connected to any other node.
The Master-Theorem provides a runtime analysis for divide and conquer algorithms and therefore is often found when travesing through trees.
is the input-size
is the effor in the inner node (time to create subproblems, time to merge results of subproblems)
is the number of subproblems in the recursion
is the factor by which the subproblem size is reduced in each recursive call
The criterium is the complexity of the subproblems is now:
Proof: As The depth of the tree is given by and at depth i there are subproblems. This means, there are leaves (log-law). So, the overall complexit of the tree .
There are three possibilities:
Subproblems dominate the splitting and merging:
Subproblems are comparabel to splitting and merging, thus at each level, we add the complexity for:
Subproblems are dominated by spitting and merging:
Let , then
Thus, the second case:
Trees have some interesting properties:
The Diameter of a (weighted) tree, is the longest shortest path between any two nodes. While the computation of longest shortest path in normal graph can be obtained
via Floyd-Warshall in , in trees it can be done in . The idea is to pick any random node r
, from there go the furthest node fst
of r
and repeat
that to find the furthest node snd
from fst
. The distance between fst
and snd
is the longest distance.
The diameter has either one center node, or the center lies on an edge. Either way, the center is defined to be on the half of the diameter (radius).
Given two nodes u
and v
, the Least Common Ancestor (LCA) is the first node, that lie on both paths to the root, from u
and also from v
The idea would be to precalculate the depth for each node in
and then to bring u
and v
to the same depth linearly.
From there always go up to the root linearly , until both nodes are equal. However, when there are many queries,
we can improve that to by utilising a proprocessing, called Binary Lifting.
Therefore we define up[u][i]
to be that node, that is higher than node u
, i.e. that up[u][0]
(1 up) is the direct parent and up[u][1]
(2 up)
is the grandparent. Next, up[u][2]
would be 4 up and so on. By using this binary expansion, we can get to any arbitrary height.
Binary Lifting:
int LOG = 20; // 2^LOG should be the max depth
for(int j=1; j<=LOG; ++j){
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
up[i][j] = up[up[i][j-1]][j-1];
With that, the idea of the LCA computation remains the same: First bring both nodes to the same level (via binary lifting) and then move both nodes up as much as possible while such that both nodes are not even. At the end of this routine, both nodes will be the direct children of the LCA:
int getLCA(int a, int b){
if(depth[a] < depth[b]){
swap(a, b);
// a is deeper;
int dif = depth[a]-depth[b];
for(int i=0; i<LOG; ++i){
if(dif & (1 << i)){
a = up[a][i];
// edge-case:
if(a == b) return a;
// binary lifting to the predecessor of LCA
for(int i=LOG-1; i>=0; --i){ // very important here to go from LOG-1 -> 0, as otherwise we cannnot do all jumps
// for example the grand parent is two levels up. we cannot jump 1 and again 1...
if(up[a][i] == up[b][i]) continue;
a = up[a][i];
b = up[b][i];
// return LCA
return up[a][0];
There are two well known algorithms for the MST, Krusal, which uses the disjoint-set datastructure, and prim's algorithm, which works similarly to dijkstra's SSSP. The difference is that dijsktra looks at nodes and minimises the distance from a given starting node to it, while prime just takes the next lowes edge which endpoint has not been seen yet. Both algorithm work in .
class DJS{ // O(E Log E)
vector<int> rank, par;
int forrests;
DJS(int n){
par = vector<int>(n, 0);
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)par[i] = i;
forrests = n;
rank.assign(n, 1);
int getPar(int x){
if(par[x] == x) return x;
return par[x] = getPar(par[x]);
bool isSame(int x, int y){
return getPar(x) == getPar(y);
bool unionfy(int x, int y){
if(isSame(x, y)) return false;
int px = getPar(x), py = getPar(y);
if(rank[px] < rank[py]){
swap(px, py);
par[py] = px;
rank[px] += rank[py];
return true;
// in main;
vector<tiii> edges; // add all edges
sort(edges.begin(), edges.end());
DJS djs(n);
long long ret = 0;
for(int j=0; j<edges.size(); ++j){
auto [cost, a, b] = edges[i];
if(djs.unionfy(a, b)){
ret += cost;
To check whether a spanntree exist, check that djs.forrests == 1
int startIdx = 0;
priority_queue<pii, vector<pii>, greater<pii>> pq
pq.push({0, startIdx});
vector<bool> seen(n, false)
long long ret = 0;
auto [tCost, tIdx] =; pq.pop();
if(seen[tIdx]) continue;
ret += tCost;
for(auto [next, w]: AL[tIdx]){
if(seen[next] == false){
pq.push({w, next});
Per default use DJS
- Minimum/Maximum Spanning Tree
- Minimum Spanning Subgraph (part of the edges are already given)
- Minimum Spanning Forrest (stop when
djs.forrests == k
) - MiniMax (Connect all nodes and try to minimise the maximum edge weight used for that). Vice verca for MaxiMin. The result is given just by the MST
- Second Best Spanning Tree. (run normal MST, then you have n edges. For each of theses edges run MST again and don't include it) O(sorting + MST + Second Best MST) = . Alternatively if E is huge, calculate the MST and get the minimal cost. Then for each v run a dfs and get the maximum distance between any two nodes in . Now just pass though all edges which are not part of the MST. Add its weight and subtract the maximum distance between these two nodes within the orginal MST (See kattis spider).
- When there are several starting points, use Prim's Algorithm (aksed for optimal forrests here)
When the edges are not weighter we can use a BFS for the shortes paths, othrweise Dijkstra's algorithm. Dijkstra uses the same idea of a BFS, but instead of a normal queue, it uses a priority queue to favour nodes with a smaller distance. Often when a problem appears to be a DP problem, but are not defined on a DAG, then most certainly these are BFS problems.
Typic Examples:
Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP)
Singe Source Single Destinaion Shortest Path (SSSDSP)
Multiple Sources Shortest Pahts (MSSP)
.. Other vairations, I will commonly use SSSP.
The normal BFS provides us with the shortest distance to all nodes in .
Typical 2D Grid example:
q.insert({startI, startJ})
vector<pii> dir {{1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}};
auto [i, j] = q.front(); q.pop();
for(auto [di, dj]: dir){
int nextI = i + di;
int nextJ = j + dj;
if(nextI < 0 || nextJ < 0 || nextI > n-1 || nextJ >n-1) continue;
if(dis[nextI][nextJ] < INF) continue;
dis[nextI][nextJ] = dis[i][j] + 1;
q.push({nextI, nextJ});
- Similarly, A graph with only 0/1 Weights can be handeld by a deque (very similar to Dijkstra). If we have a 0 Edge we will push it to the front, else to the back. Dijkstra would works just as fine, but this way we save us from using an expensive priority-queue.
- Shortest Cycle: Shortest Path on undirected Graphs: Bfs from i to j and if you have seen j already -> Cycle.
If the edges are weighted, e.g. we want to minimise the time to go from a to b, we need to use a priority_queue
instead of a normal queue
, as the main idea is to always use the cell/node with the current lowest cost/time. This node cannot improved any further, but maybe can be used to improve others.
Unfortunately, the priority_queue
in c++ doesn't allowe to update keys, therefore we use set
here. The complexity is .
Note Dijkstra does not work, when there is a negative cycle.
vector<ll> dijkstra(ll start, vector<vector<pll>> &AL){ // O(E * log(V))
// Instead of PQ use a set to update nodes once you see a lower value. The complexity lower but in Big O still the same
ll n = AL.size();
vector<ll> dist(AL.size(), INF);
dist[start] = 0;
set<pll> pq;
pq.emplace(dist[start], start);
auto [cost, cur] = *pq.begin(); // intotal O(V * log(V))
for(auto [next, w]: AL[cur]){
if(dist[cur] + w >= dist[next]) continue;
auto it = pq.find({dist[next], next});
if(it != pq.end()){
pq.erase(it); // O(E * log(V));
dist[next] = dist[cur] + w;
pq.emplace(dist[next], next);
return dist;
- For reconstruction of a single shortest path use a parent vector and whenever you can update the next element, update also the parent (Works for bfs/dijkstra).
- To know wheter an edge/node is part of any possible shortest path: Apply weighted/unweighted from begining and again from end (reversed AL).
A node is part of a shortest path if
dist[node] + distRev[node] == dist[endNode]
, analogously an edge is part of a shortest path if both connected nodes are part of the shortest path + the difference in between bothdist
values is the weight of the edgew
. - When there are some further monoton restrictions, apply them during the for-loop inside Dijkstra.
When there are negative cycles then Dijkstra would run forever without stopping. Bellmann-Ford alleviates this issue by running the exact amount of iterations needed to calculate the shortest path from the rooot to any other node, assuming there are no negative cycles. To check if there is a negative cycle, another single iteration can be made. If any weight improves, then there is a negative cycle. The algorithm runs in and therfore requires a V <= 450
vector<int> bellmann_ford(int start, vector<vector<pii>> &AL){ // O(V^3)
// Get the distance from start node to all other nodes and works with negative cycles (no infinite queue)
// Stops after n iterations, if afterwars still relaxations are possible -> negative cycle
// Limit ~ V<450
int n = AL.size();
vector<int> dist = vector<int>(n, INF);
dist[start] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ // O(V^3)
for(int v=0; v<n; ++v){
if(dist[v] != INF){
for(auto [next, w]: AL[v]){
dist[next] = min(dist[next], dist[v] + w);
return dist;
vector<bool> NINFS;
void dfsGetNINF(int cur, vector<vector<pii>> &AL){
NINFS[cur] = true;
for(auto [next,w]: AL[cur]){
if(NINFS[next] == 0){
dfsGetNINF(next, AL);
vector<bool> getNegativeCycleStarts(int start, vector<int> &dist, vector<vector<pii>> &AL){
// Gets nodes which are part of a negtive cycle. BUT is does not return ALL nodes of this cycle. Do a dfs to get all nodes after this being detected.
int n = AL.size();
vector<bool> isNINF = vector<bool>(n, false);
for(int v=0; v<n; ++v){
if(dist[v] != INF){
for(auto [next, w]: AL[v]){
if(dist[next] > dist[v] + w){
dist[next] = dist[v] + w;
isNINF[next] = true;
isNINF[v] = true;
return isNINF;
// vector<int> dist = bellmann_ford(0, AL);
// vector<bool> starts = getNegativeCycleStarts(0, dist, AL);
// NINFS.assign(n, false);
// FOR(i, n){
// if(starts[i] && NINFS[i] == 0){
// dfsGetNINF(i, AL);
// }
// }
// // now if not NINFS[i] == true, dist[i] has the exact distance from 0 to i. Else we can say its negative INF.
- Sometimes the task is about positive cycles, than changing the sign might do the trick.
- Bellmann-Ford sometimes come also with further restrictions, which then need to be incorporated into the loop.
Instead of computing the shortest path from a single source node, sometimes it is required to have the shortest distance between all pairs of nodes. Floyed-Warshall computes All-Pairs-Shortest-Paths in in a dp-fashion by trying to find smaller detours from i to j over k:
// for reconstruction:
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
for(int j=0; j<n; ++j){
par[i][j] = i;
for(int k=0; k<n; ++k){
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
for(int j=0; j<n; ++j){
if(AM[i][j] > AM[i][k] + AM[k][j]){
AM[i][j] = AM[i][k] + AM[k][j];
par[i][j] = par[k][j]; // alwyas points to the penultimate element in the path. For example par[k][j] points to x in k a b c x j
// retrievel of solution from i to j
int cur = j;
if(i == cur){
cur = par[i][cur];
Note / Applications:
- When we need to reconstruct a shortest path between i and j then we need a 2D reconstruction.
- In Floyed-Warshall the inital AM do not need all start-values as long these can be build by the principe of transitivity (can save a lot of time)
- Transitive closure problem: Only check need: Is there a path from a to b. Everyhing can be Boolean.
AM[i][j] = AM[i][j] || (AM[i][k] && AM[k][j])
- For some compound problems, optimal subpaths in form of
AM[i][b] + AM[a][j] + roadLength
orAM[a][i] + AM[i][b]
are often useful. - Diameter of a graph: The maximum shortest path between any pair nod nodes.
- Shortest Cycle: On the diagonal
gives you the shortest cycle. If negative: We can go to -INF.
On an undirected graph, the connected components can be found with an easy DFS. When the graph is directed however, we call a strongly connected component (SSC) a subset of the vertexes in the graph, within each vertex can reach each of the other vertex in the same SSC. Tarjan's algorithm runs in and assigns each node to its SSC-root; the same root marks the same SSC.
The main idea is that there is a single root node (start node) for each SSC. For this root holds that it coudn't make its dfs_low
value smaller than dfs_num
All the nodes afterwars are part of this SCC (unless have been put to a different SSC already - saved in visited
vector<int> dfs_num, dfs_low, dfs_stack, visited, root;
int dfs_idx;
void tarjan(int cur, vector<vector<int>> &AL){ // O(V + E)
dfs_num[cur] = dfs_low[cur] = dfs_idx++;
visited[cur] = 1;
for(int next: AL[cur]){
if(dfs_num[next] == UNVISITED){
tarjan(next, AL);
if(visited[next] == 1){ // not part of other SSC -> same SSC
dfs_low[cur] = min(dfs_low[next], dfs_low[cur]); // if it is not yet completed;
if(dfs_low[cur] == dfs_num[cur]){
// cur is start of a ssp;
int last = dfs_stack.back(); dfs_stack.pop_back();
root[last] = cur;
visited[last] = 0;
if(last == cur) break;
// in main:
dfs_num.assign(n, UNVISITED);
dfs_low.assign(n, UNVISITED);
visited.assign(n, false);
root.assign(n, UNVISITED);
FOR(i, n){
if(dfs_num[i] == UNVISITED){
tarjan(i, AL);
Often, a task is to **reduce all SSC to single node **and afterwards check for some critera (e.g. count all
in_degree == 0
nodes). Questions like how many dominos you need to push?. -
Given a directed Graph G, how many edges do you need to add, to make it a SCC?
- Reduce all SSC in G to a single node -> G is now DAG
- If this DAG consists only of one node, the answer is 0
- Else: Count the number of in-degree == 0 nodes and also the out-degree=0 nodes. The max of both is the is the result.
To see that this is a lower bound is easy. That its also a upper bound more complex. See stack-overflow, codeforces.
An Articulation Point is a vertix whose removal disconnects the undirected graph. Thus it can't be a leaf, but only intermediate vertixes. Similarly Ariculation Bridges disconnects the graph, when the edge (or bridge) is removed. Note some variants also come with directed graphs, but usually it applies only to undirected graphs. This algorithm runs in .
Idea: Similar to tarjan-algorithm to get all SSC, we have a dfs_low
array, and each children vertex, tries to minmise it using all adj-vertex, but its parent-vertex. When now this low value us lower than the dfs_num
value of the parent we have found another way.
enum {UNVISITED=-1};
vector<int> dfs_low, dfs_num, parent;
vector<pii> bridges;
vector<bool> is_articulation;
int dfs_idx, root, root_children;
void dfs(int cur, vector<vector<int>> &AL){ // O(V+E)
dfs_num[cur] = dfs_low[cur] = dfs_idx++;
for(int next: AL[cur]){
if(dfs_num[next] == UNVISITED){
parent[next] = cur;
if(root == cur) root_children++; // only need for articulation points
dfs(next, AL);
if(dfs_low[next] > dfs_num[cur]){
// bc of bridges here strictly greater
bridges.push_back({next, cur});
if(dfs_low[next] >= dfs_num[cur]){
// for points greater/equal
is_articulation[cur] = true;
dfs_low[cur] = min(dfs_low[cur], dfs_low[next]);
if(parent[cur] != next){
dfs_low[cur] = min(dfs_low[cur], dfs_num[next]); // compare with dfs_num of next, otherwise it would set it too low
// in main
int n = 100;
dfs_low.assign(n, UNVISITED);
dfs_num.assign(n, UNVISITED);
parent.assign(n, UNVISITED);
is_articulation.assign(n, false);
dfs_idx = 0;
root = 0; // or set to which is root
root_children = 0;
is_artiuclation[root] = true;
Given a weighted directed graph as pipeline network, then
Edges: Pipe with given capacity
Vertices: Splitting point
2 Special vertices: Source s and sink t
Question: What is the max-flow/min-cut through the network from s to t?
Forward edge: Normal directed edge as a given pipeline
Backward edge (to cancel out incorrect forward flows): each backward edge has capacity 0 at the beginning, when choosing a forward edge,
then the forward edge has +flow, and its corresponding residual edge -flow
Residual Graph: All edges in the network which still have flow < capacity
- Ford-Fulerson Method : A potential bottleneck with capacity of 1 is used all the time (back and forth with forward and residual graph)
- Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
- Dinic’s Algorithm
- Push-Relabel Algorithm , on dense graphs theoretically faster than Dinic, but Dinic is good enough for all Network problems.
Algorithm Edmonds-Karp and Dinic Run BFS to create level graph:
- The L-level Graph stops after L iterations
- The Edmonds-Karp algorithm: uses this graph to only augment one s-t path (if found)
- The Dinic algorithm: sends a blocking flow, to augment all possible s-t paths
Problems to solve with Network-Flow Often Problem are disguised and the difficulty is to see the max-flow behind it and model it accordingly
- Normal MaxFlow problems (check max bandwith)
- Unweighted Maximum Cardinality Bipartite Matching (UMCBM, The easiest kind of matching)
- Assignment Problem
Example: Emeis are thirsty between a and b, but at time x only 2 emeis can drink at a lake. Assign emeis to the lake. - Min-cut
Example: kattis - thekingofthenorth. Defend your ground with as few soldiers as possible. - Ad-hoc problems
- Vertex Capacity (add another node after that node and add edge with capacity)
- Back-Coupling (time, add sum-up nodes for current and previous not used flows, see kattis_jupiter)
- Blowing verteces up to consider time
- Extract how many edges are used, or the flow within each edge (
); this is particular useful in assignment problems. - Get the partition of the min_cut (left and right side; for left side use (
): Do a dfs from sink and only pass through residual edges (not saturated edge) - Get max. Independent Paths: Each vertex can only be used once (use vertex capacity = 1), this implies disjoint paths.
- Get max. Disjoint Paths: Use each edge only once.
Often you need to work with many offsets. Better save them as a variable
MaxFlow maxFlow = MaxFlow(2 + sites + people);
int offsetSites = 1;
int offsetPeople = sites+1;
int sink = 2+sites+people -1;
// add edges...
long long flow = maxFlow.dinic(0, sink);
For Basic Unweighted Maximum Cardinality Bipartite Matching (UMCBM) a basic augmenting algorithm in often is also ok instead of the dinic in .
vector<int> matchR, visitedL;
bool aum(int LEFT, vector<vector<int>> &al){
if(visitedL[LEFT]) return false;
visitedL[LEFT] = 1;
for(int RIGHT: al[LEFT]){
if(matchR[RIGHT] == -1 || aum(matchR[RIGHT], al)){
matchR[RIGHT] = LEFT;
return true; //current can be matched
return false; // current cannot be matched
And in main:
matchR.assign(m, -1);
int ret = 0;
FOR(i, n){
visitedL.assign(n, 0);
ret+=aum(i, al);
Until now, we have mainly seen static problems, so for example given an array of numbers, we need a quick way to calculate the sum from the index i
to index j
(prefix sum). When dealing with dynammic data, i. e. data which is modified continuously, we want to avoid to linearly recalculate the array.
The Fenewick-Tree is a quick-to-type datastructure and in particular good for point update and range queries (PURQ). As a requirement, the operation needs to be inversable (sum): range_query_from_left(j) - range_query_from_left(i-1);
. Given an array of length n
, our datastructure has n+1
nodes (0 is dummy variable) and each node i
saves the result for the segment [(i-LSOne(i) + 1),...,i]
. The building of the array needs , and each update or sum query .
// Least secnificant bit
#define LSOne(S) ((S) & -(S))
class PURQ {
vector<long long> ft;
PURQ(int n) { // without leading 0
ft.assign(n+1, 0); // idx 0 is bound, no value asigned to it
PURQ(vi &vals){
// builds in O(n), as oposed to O(n*logn)
void build(vector<long long> vals){ // vals idx are keys of Fenwick-tree -> first in vector needs to be 0:
int n = vals.size();
ft.assign(n, 0);
for(int i=0;i<n; i++){
ft[i] += vals[i];
ft[i+LSOne(i)] += ft[i];
// 1-based index
long long range_query_from_left(int j){ // interval [1,...,j]
assert(j>=0 && j < ft.size());
long long ret = 0;
ret += ft[j];
return ret;
// 1-based index
long long range_query(int i, int j){ // interval [i,...,j]
assert(j>=i && j < ft.size());
assert(i>=0 && i < ft.size());
return range_query_from_left(j) - range_query_from_left(i-1);
// 1-based index
void point_update(int i, int val){
assert(i>0 && i < ft.size());
while(i < ft.size()){
i += LSOne(i);
//vector<long long> test{0,1,1};
//PURQ fw = PURQ(test);
//fw.range_query(1, 2);
Also note, that this data-structure also supports, Range-Updates with Point-Queries (RUPQ) as well as Range-Updates with Range-Queries (RURQ). The implementation is here. Moreover, we can also implement a 2D Fenwick-Tree, where we normally would use 2D Prefix-Sums or kadane; an implementation can be found here
Order Statistic Tree (OST) is a balanced BST, which also saves the size of each subtree. This datastructure can be used to answer order-related queries like "what it the k-th smallest elment?" on dynammic data in time (as we have to find the specific node first in ). As we are dealing with an balanced BST we also need for inserting. C++ users are lucky and have have this out of the box:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
using namespace __gnu_pbds;
template <typename T>
using ost = tree<T, null_type, less<T>, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update>;
// To use ordered use ordered_multiset<type>S something like this
//int x=1;
//ost<ll> tree;
//ll low=tree.order_of_key(x); // this is not possible with normal multiset. There you must have use distance(s.begin(), iterator), which takes O(n);
//ll secondSmallest = *tree.find_by_order(1);
When using it as a multiset (and allow the same value several times), we have to take the operator less_equal
. However, this comes with some pitfalls as well:
will always return end.
works like upper_bound in normal set (to return the first element > it)
works like lower_bound in normal set (to return the first element >= it)
will get you the order of the first key==x (even though this key might be available by many orders)
works as expected
by value does not work anymore. Use t.erase(t.upper_bound(1))
Instead of using an OST, we could also rely on the BIT/Fenwick to to order-related queries. If we have an elment a
, we just add +1 to it and now, we can query, the sum to a specific answer, getting the number of elements before it. However, often an OST is prefable, as it is not restricted to low numbers (roughly 1M), but its tree can have anthing which is sortable (e.g. strings).
Within a Segment-Tree (ST) the operatin does not need to be inversable and thus, a ST is more powerful than a BIT/Fenwick. Moreover, it is a good choice, when the operation and states are a bit more complicated. ST use slightly more memory (we need up to 4t imes the space of the initial array). Similar to BIT, it takes for the building, and update-call or query-call .
The problems often comes in the form of two functions. For the update-function, changes a range/point of our initial numbers. update(idx, idx2 val)
and the query-function calculates the sum of a given range query(idxLeft, idxRight)
. Note any associative function (it doesn't matter which operation is done first) can be used instad of the sum-operation, e.g. minimum, maximum, multiplication (also modulo), matrix-multiplication (associative but not commutative, i.e. multiplication form left and right are differnt), bitwise operations (&
, |
, ^
) or GCD (which doesn't run in O(1), so it will change the overall complexity).
The idea is that each node within the ST is in charge of a segment L
to R
. When quering or updating, we give a range i
to j
, and we go down the tree, trying find nodes, which are fully captured by this range and directly update or return.
With Lazy Propagation we can go for efficient (log n) range updates as well. The reasoning is, that ones we are at a node, which is fully captured, we set a lazy flag and stop here. Only the time, when we really need to go deeper, we will take this lazy-value and also compute the up-to-date values for the children.
Figuratively, we can say, that old operations are further down in the root tree, while new ones are up. Each time we visit a node, we propagate it's lazy flag furhter down. Take into consideration, that for the lazy propagation to work, you might need to merge lazy-flags, if the kid already has one.
To apply lazy-propagation, and stop at an inner node, the update function needs to be distributive relative to the query-function. E.g. When having the update function (e.g. assigning a value or adding a value), we don't need to recurse to the children, but instead just use their old intermediate values:
Distributive are for example:
- multiplication relative to sum-query
- bitwise AND relative to bitwise OR-query
- Addition relative to max- or min-query
- Assignment relative to max- or mi-query
Non-distribute are:
- Addition relative to sum-query
- Assignment relative to sum-query
Note, we we can still gor for lazy-propagation if we are smart about the implementation (e.g. use the length of a segment)
class ST{
// TODO: you need to change these functions+neutrals
ll NEUTRAL_QUERY = 1ll << 60;
// Segment-tree consists of two operations, update and query:
ll conqQuery(ll a, ll b){
// min query
return min(a, b);
// If update function is not distributive, you might need to think a little and update lazy[..] and st[..] differntly
ll conqUpdate(ll prev, ll op){
// add modifing
return prev + op;
ll n;
vector<ll> st, lazy;
ll l(ll p){return p<<1;}
ll r(ll p){return (p<<1) +1;}
// only needs O(n), as it just visits all nodes only once
void build(ll p, ll L, ll R, const vector<ll> &init){
if (L == R){
st[p] = init[L];
} else{
ll m = (L+R)/2;
build(l(p), L, m, init);
build(r(p), m+1, R, init);
st[p] = conqQuery(st[l(p)], st[r(p)]);
void propagate(ll p, ll L, ll R){
// TODO: check if works (distributive law still holds)
st[p] = conqUpdate(st[p], lazy[p]);
lazy[l(p)] = conqUpdate(lazy[l(p)], lazy[p]);
lazy[r(p)] = conqUpdate(lazy[r(p)], lazy[p]);
void update(ll p, ll L, ll R, ll i, ll j, ll val){ // O(logn)
propagate(p, L, R);
if(L > j || R < i) return;
if(L>=i && R<=j){
st[p] = conqUpdate(st[p], val);
if(L != R){
lazy[l(p)] = conqUpdate(lazy[l(p)], val);
lazy[r(p)] = conqUpdate(lazy[r(p)], val);
} else{
ll m = (L+R)/2;
update(l(p), L, m, i, j, val);
update(r(p), m+1, R, i, j, val);
st[p] = conqQuery(st[l(p)], st[r(p)]);
ll query(ll p, ll L, ll R, ll i, ll j){ // O(logn)
propagate(p, L, R);
if(L > j || R < i) return NEUTRAL_QUERY;
if(i<=L && j>=R){
return st[p];
ll m = (L+R)/2;
return conqQuery(query(l(p), L, m, i, j), query(r(p), m+1, R, i, j));
ST(ll size) : n(size) {
st.assign(4*size, NEUTRAL_QUERY); // 4 = 2*2. First 2: to make n a factor of two [actualy 2 * upper(log_2(n))], and second 2 for the inner nodes of the tree
lazy.assign(4*n, NEUTRAL_UPDATE);
ST(const vector<ll> &initA): ST(initA.size()) {
build(1, 0, n-1, initA);
// All idx's i,j from 0 to n-1
// range update, for point update set i == j
void update(ll i, ll j, ll val) {
// updates [i,..j]
update(1, 0, n-1, i, j, val);
ll query(ll i, ll j){
// queries [i,..j]
return query(1, 0, n-1, i, j);
//vi nums{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//ST st(nums);
//cout << st.query(0, 2) << endl; // 0
//st.update(0, 3, 10); // add 10 to each
//cout << st.query(0, 2) << endl; // 10
//cout << st.query(3, 3) << endl; // 13
//cout << st.query(3, 4) << endl; // 4
This normal implementation works with NEUTRAL_UPDATE
. However some operation, like assignment do not have a neutral, then, we need a dummy, or a value out of range.
When the states are more complicated it is useful to implement a struct Node
. This also allows for defining operator +
, for more see here.
struct Node{
ll val;
bool invalid=false;
Node(ll _val){
val = _val;
Node operator+(const Node &right) const{
if(invalid) return right;
if(right.invalid) return *this;
Node x;
x.val = val+right.val;
return x;
Also note, sometimes, the memory pressure is very high and we cannot even initaliase the ST in time. Then a Sparse-Segmente-Tree could be favoured. Instead of allocating the memory for all potential segments, we only create them on the fly (Pointer-like construction here). A potential implementation is here.
When having 2 Dimensions and each node of the first dimension contains another ST. The implementaion is a bit tedious and also we cannot use lazy propagation thus only have point-updates at our disposal. An implementation for a 2D-Segment-Tree can be found here. Building takes , while quering/updating takes . As an alternative, we could use a quadtree is a tree, in which each inner node has 4 children. This helps to divide the 2D-grid recursively into north-east, north-west, south-easth and south-west, such that each node can decide what to do with values of its children. Note that the runtime of the quadtree is worse than of a 2D-Segment-Tree.
- Top-Down:
- Pro: natural way of thinking (like Backtracking)
- Pro: A subproblem will only be computed when needed
- Pro: When a DAG is given (difficult to find a proper travser order with bottom-up)
- Con: Slower than Bottom-up when we need all subproblems
- Bottom-Up:
- Pro: Faster when all subproblems are needed
- Pro: Memory saving technique (get rid of one Dimension)
- Con: Also not needed states will be computed
- Optimal Substructure: You can break down the given problem into a smaller subproblem; This then needs to be solved optimal.
- Overlapping SubProblems: The main advantage (over Backtracking) is that DP saves sates and therfore we do not need to recalculate subproblems.
Syntactic sugar (memoization) for Top-Down pattern:
int dp(int state1, state2){
// check base cases
int &ans = memo[state1][state2];
if(ans != 0) return ans;
// else ... ans = ...
Often it is not only asked to compute the optimum, but also to retrieve the exact soltution.
Bottom-Up Example For example start in the last element and backtrack to the first element and only go an optimum way.
for(int i=n; i>0; --i){
if(weight >= nums[i-1].second && ((dp[i-1][weight - nums[i-1].second] + nums[i-1].first) == dp[i][weight])){
weight -= nums[i-1].second;
Tod-Down Example Just copy the dp function and if the next recurstion (plus some addons) is equal the memo value at this current point, then go there.
void retrieve(int cur, int last, int toGo, vector<int> &rest, vector<int>& idx){
if(toGo < 0 || cur == rest.size()) return;
int &ans = last == memo[cur][last][toGo];
int pot = dp(cur + 1, last, toGo, rest);
if(pot == ans ) return retrieve(cur+1, last, toGo, rest, idx);
return retrieve(cur+1, cur, toGo-1, rest, idx);
Kadane and Prefix-Sums
- 1D-Sum
Given an Array A, find the subarray (continues elements), which summed up will lead to the maximal possible number.
The naive Approach would try all O(n^2) possibilites.
Kadane only needs a linear scan O(n): We sum up a current counter (
) and each time it falls below 0, we reset to 0, as now its better to start again. Note, this is bottom-up DP but with dimension-reduction. You could also have an arraydp
of lenght n, in whichdp[i]
stands for the best result up to index i.
int curSum = 0, overallSum =0; for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ curSum += nums[i]; curSum = max(curSum, 0); overallSum = max(overallSum, curSum); }
2D-Sum or ND-Sum 1D-Sum can be expanded to 2D-Sum or even further. To do so, calculate prefix sum for all dimensions but the last. Now, for all possible field sizes of the first n-1 dimensions, calculate a separate Kadane within the last dimension. For example, for the 2D-Sum, precalculate the prefixsum for each row and then Kadane for each colum combination over the rows. For 2D you get the maximal sum of a submatrix in O(n^3). This submatrix is of variable size. If we would instead precalculate 2D prefix-sum, we would end up with O(n^4), as for each cell we still need to investigate O(n^2) potential submatrices. However, sometimes the window-size is fixed, we don't need need kadane and can check the few possible windows with 2D prefix-sum. Don't forget the inclusion-exclusion-principle when calculating 2D prefix-sums.
2D-sum Kadane O(n*m), maximal sum of submatrix of any size:
// calculate prefix sum for each row for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ int rowSum = 0; for(int j=0; j<m; ++j){ rowSum += grid[i][j]; grid[i][j] = rowSum; } } for(int left_col =0; left_col<m; ++left_col){ for(int right_col =i; right_col<m; ++right_col){ // do Kadana over rows: int curSum = 0; int overallSum = 0; for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ if(l>0){ curSum += grid[i][right_col] - grid[i][left_col-1]; }else{ curSum += grid[i][right_col]; } } curSum = max(curSum, 0); overallSum = max(overallSum, curSum); } }
2D Prefix-Sum better for fixed window sized or as requirement to do 3D Kadane:
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ int rowSum = 0; for(int j=0; j<m; ++j){ rowSum += grid[i][j]; grid[i][j] = rowSum; if(i>0){ grid[i][j] += grid[i-1][j]; } } }
- 1D-Sum
Given an Array A, find the subarray (continues elements), which summed up will lead to the maximal possible number.
The naive Approach would try all O(n^2) possibilites.
Kadane only needs a linear scan O(n): We sum up a current counter (
Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
Let A be an array of integers. The LIS can be found with DP in .
dp[i] := The length of the longest increasing subsequence, which is ending on dp[n]; memset(dp, 1, sizeof dp); for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ for(int j=0; j<i; ++j){ if(A[j]<A[i]){ dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[j]); } } }
Often better solution: Greedy + Divide & Conquer in , where k is the length of the LIS.
vector<int> LIS(n), par(-1, n), LIS_id(n); int k=0, idxEnd=0; for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ int pos = lower_bound(LIS.begin(), LIS.begin()+k, A[i]) - LIS.begin(); if(pos == k){ k++; idxEnd = i; } LIS[pos] = A[i]; LIS_id[pos] = i; // only as help for the parent vector par if(pos > 0){ par[i] = LIS_id[pos - 1]; } } vector<int> ret; // ret contains the LIS (but reversed) for(int i=0; i<k; ++k){ ret.push_back(A[idxEnd]); idxEnd = par[idxEnd]; }
- Use
instead oflower_bound
if not strictly increasing. Then you will replace the first larger element with you current element and not the same element - LDS (decreasing version) can be computed in two ways:
- Reverse the Array A and then do LIS
- Change the way you compare:
int pos = lower_bound(LIS.begin(), LIS.begin()+k, A[i], ::greater<int>()) - LIS.begin();
This will give the first element in LDS, which is equal or smaller. Recap, in LDS, you want to keep the values large as long (and early) as possible, such that you have more chances to add new elements.
- Sometimes the greedy version is not possible. For example in UVa11790 - Muricia's Skyline, you want the max. Number of increasing buildings, but you measure with the width. Then you can greedily exchange a taller building with a smaller one, because the taller might be more useful in terms of weights.
- Often there are 2D LIS, like in UVa_01196 - Tiling Up Blocks, kattis - manhattanmornings or kattis - nesteddolls. The basic idea here is sort the elements in ascending order for the first dimension and then for the second. If the requirment is given, that the LIS needs to be strictly increasing, then the second dimension needs to be sorted descending (you don't want that theses are building on top of each other). When you now go through the elements, then you know, that all preprocessed have a lower first dimension and you don't need to worry about that. Only you need to LIS in the second dimension.
- Use
Knapsack or Subset Sum
Pseudo-polynomial DP solution in , where n is the number of items and w the maximal capacity of the backpack.
then describes the maximal value you can get after you have processed the first i items and using j weight.
Boolean Subset-Sum: Is there a subset of a set of numbers, which sumed up is equal to a given value t?Note:
- You can often reduce the first dimension. However, if you need to reconstruct the actual solution, then, you need it, as you have to backtrack throught the table. Or use Parent-Array. Recap, that you then need, to go from right to left, in order to not double count.
- Infinit Knapsack. When each element can be used infinite times, than just for each item, go from left to right
dp[j] = max(dp[j], dp[j-w]+v)
. - Restricted Usage. If you can only use m<=n items, add an additonal state
Standard Knapsack
vector<vector<int>> dp(n+1, vector<int>(c+1, 0)); vector<pii> nums; for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i){ int v = nums[i-1].first; int w = nums[i-1].second; for(int j=c; j>=0; j--){ dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j]; // might be optimal to skip current if(j>=w){ dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i-1][j-w] + v); // or take it } } }
Coin Change
Very similar to Knapsack, but instead of maximising the value, we want either minimise the used coins or we want to count the possiblities to give a certain amount in different coins.
Minimise Used Coins:
denotes the min. number of coins used to get to the value j by using up to the first i coins. Set the dp to 0 and only setdp[0][0] = 1
Count the possibities:
denotes the number of possibilities to give the value j by using up to the first i coins. Set the dp to INF and only setdp[0][0] = 0
. Then just add up possibilities.
Check if possible:
denotes whether its possible to give the value j by using up to the first i coins. -
Traveling Salesman Person and Hamiltonian Paths
Hamiltonian Cycle Problem (HCP) Find a path, such that you visit each node exactly once and end up in the initial Position. NP-Complete (If you would use DFS, in a fully connected graph you have O(n^n). With DP we save the stats
and achieve a complexity of .Analogously, a hamiltonian path is np-complete. Difference: No need to return to initial position.
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) about finding the lowest-cost Hamiltonian Cycle. Top-Down (Held-Karp-Algortithm): parameter: n nodes (current node) and bitmask over the next (n-1) to visit
int dp(int last, int mask, vector<pii> &coords){ int &ans = memo[last][mask]; if(ans != -1) return ans; if(mask == 0){ return cost(0, last, coords); } ans = INF; int m = mask; while(m){ int v = LSOne(m); int next = __builtin_ctz(v) + 1; m ^= v; ans = min(ans, dp(next, mask^v, coords) + cost(last, next, coords)); } return ans; }
Note, it is very hard to iterate through bitmask in a Bottom-Up manner (first only the ones with one bit set, all numbers with two bits set...)
Also note, that the current node also contains the start node, while the bit mask does not. Thus, you have to offset +1 when getting the next node from the bitmask. This reduces the number of states by half.
Find all positions of a substring a string:
vector<int> indices;
int pos = 0;
pos = result.find("love", 0); // O(n*m) where n is length of result and m length of query(here: "love")
while(pos != string::npos){
pos = result.find("love", pos+1);
Standard string processing functions:
str[i] = tolower(str[i]); // or toupper
bool checkDigit = isdigit(result[i]);
bool checkAlpha = isalpha(result[i]);
bool isVowel(char x){
char vowel[6]="aeiou";
for(int i=0; i<6; ++i){
if(x == vowel[i])return true;
return false;
Tokenize a String with a given delimiter with str.find_first_of(delimiters, start)
int current, next = -1;
vector<string> separatedWords;
string delimiters = ", ";
current = next + 1;
next = result.find_first_of( delimiters, current );
string token = result.substr( current, next - current );
if(token != ""){
cout << token << endl;
}while (next != string::npos);
Substring-Matching: When searching for a substring p in text t, the naive way would take , where n is the length of the text and m the length of t. A faster way offers the KMP algorithm in .
Whenever there is a mismatch, it uses pre-gathered information on whether the last characters are also a prefix to try to continue on that prefix.
vector<int> preProcess(string pattern){
vector<int> prefixSuffixMatches(pattern.size()+1, 0);
prefixSuffixMatches[0] = -1;
int i=0,j=-1;
while((j>=0) && pattern[i] != pattern[j]) j = prefixSuffixMatches[j]; // no match -> reset suffix counter
++i; ++j;
return prefixSuffixMatches;
void search(string text, string pattern, vector<int>&prefixSuffixMatches){
// j is counting matched characters
int i=0,j=0;
while((j>=0) && text[i] != pattern[j]) j = prefixSuffixMatches[j]; // no match -> reset
++i; ++j;
cout << "Found pattern in text at " << i-j<< "." <<endl;
j = prefixSuffixMatches[j]; // -> the prefix of the match might be used for the next match
//string text = "I love computer science because there is nothing else to love";
//string pattern = "love";
//vector<int> prefixSuffixMatches = preProcess(pattern);
//search(text, pattern, prefixSuffixMatches);
Substring-Matching: With a suffix-Trie you can match subsrings in , after the prepocessing of , in which we insert all suffixes of the word into the trie.
A more sophisticated version would be the suffix-tree, which compresses paths if they do not branch.
Longes Common Repeated Substring in O(vertices):
In suffix-tree: The deepest inner vertix is the answer (the path towards it)
In suffix-trie: The deepest inner vertix is the answer, with more than one branche (when using an aditional terminal symbol)
Longes Common Substring in O(Vertices)
Insert two words (all its suffixes) and add different terminal symbol, then dfs and mark all inner nodes which have both terminal symbols in their respective subtree
struct Vertex{
char character;
vector<Vertex*> children;
bool end;
Vertex(char character){
children.assign(26, nullptr);
class Trie{
Vertex* root;
Trie(){root = new Vertex('!');}
void insert(string word){
Vertex* head = root;
for(int i=0; i<word.size(); ++i){
int idx = word[i]-'a';
if(head->children[idx] == nullptr){
head->children[idx] = new Vertex(word[i]);
bool exist(string word){
Vertex* head = root;
for(int i=0; i<word.size(); ++i){
int idx = word[i]-'a';
if(head->children[idx] == nullptr){
return false;
return head->end;
bool startWith(string prefix){
// to check in all suffixes if there is this prefix -> substring check in O(m), where m is the length of the prefix, after O(n*n) creating of the suffixtree
// naive find() would require O(n*m)
// KMP would need O(n+m);
Vertex* head = root;
for(int i=0; i<prefix.size(); ++i){
int idx = prefix[i]-'a';
if(head->children[idx] == nullptr){
return false;
return true;
// 1. normal trie -> prefix checks in O(m)
// Trie root = Trie();
//root.insert("hallo"); // create in O(n);
//cout << root.exist("hallb");
//cout << root.exist("hallo");
// 2. suffix-trie: add all suffixes O(n*n)
//string toInsert = "hellolover";
//for(int i=0; i<toInsert.size(); ++i){
// root.insert(toInsert.substr(i));
//// substring check in O(m)
//cout << root.startWith("ello"); // true
//cout << root.startWith("allo"); // true
Let A and B be polynomials of degree n. With Fast-Fourir-Transformation (FFT), the multiplication of polynomials A and B can be solved in instead of .
Naive Code in :
for(int j=0; j<=n; ++j){
for(int k=0; k<=n; ++k){
res[j+k] += A[j] * B[k];
Better Idea in :
- Convert polynoms to point-value (degree n polynom needs n+1 distrinct points) representation ) by FFT)
- Do polynomial multiplication in point-value representation ()
- Convert back to coefficient representation. ( by inversed FFT)
Given A, a vector of coefficents, FFT will evaluate the polynomial at n + 1 (A.size()
) different positions in place.
To evaluate the Ploynom at the position x, use D&C: ,where is the polynom of all the even indicies of A, and all the odds. Note, you need bit-reversal order for iterating through first and then .
Fast way: Use the nth-root, as the the square of the n-th root of unity can complety be reduced to the the n/2-root of unity.
All n-th roots are give by:
- A is always halved, at each iterations (due to D&C)
- Choosing x smart (take all n-th root elements), we can retrieve all n values for A from and in one go and do not need to calculate them for each value x again (collapsing property of the n-th root of unity).
In a nutshell, we calculate y in , given W and A, where W is a nxn matrix, with all elements from the n-th root and their exponentials. The collapsing-property can now be written as .
Putting things togther:
Suppose, we have already the subproblems
and ,
both vectors of length n/2. We have to combine them, to calculate Y.
First half for all :
Second half for all :
FFT calcualted n+1 different points, , now reverse and calcualte for given and .
It can be shown: , in polar coordinates is that just scaling and conjugation
void IFFT(vector<cd> &Y){
for(auto &p:Y)p=conj(p);
for(auto &p:Y)p = conj(p); // conjugate here acutally not neccessary, as we only need real units in our problems
for(auto &p:Y)p /= Y.size();
Convolution are often hidden, and do not need to come in the form of polynomial-multiplication. In the following we denote * as convolution and thus the sth element is defined as .
- Frequency Convolution (All Possible Sums)
Given two arrays of non-negative integers A and B. How many ways are there to get a sum for all possible y?
and .
Transform them to frequency array:
and .
Then the convolution gives the possibilities a sum (the index is the sum) can be calculated.
vector<ll> multiply(vector<ll> &p1, vector<ll> &p2){ // O(n*log(n))
int n = 1;
while(n < p1.size() + p2.size() -1) n <<=1;
vector<cd> A(p1.begin(), p1.end());
vector<cd> B(p2.begin(), p2.end());
vector<cd> mult(n);
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
mult[i] = A[i]*B[i];
for(cd a: mult){
ret.push_back(round(a.real())); // rounding might be changed. When dealing with frequencies/integer-values this sould be ok!
ret.resize(p1.size() + p2.size() -1);
return ret;
All Dot Products
Given two arrays of integers A and B. Determine the dot product of B with all possible contiguous subsequences of A.
As here the multiplication is not athwart, we need to reverse B, then normal convolution.
Let and and the reversed of g.
Then, . -
Bitstring Alignments
Let A and B be bitstrings with . How many substrings A' of A of length B are there, such that, if ?
Reverse B and convolution will give you the alignment score at each index. Add up all 1's in B and if you can find this number in you have a perfect alignment.
Let and and the reversed of g.
Then, . -
Bitstring Matching
Same as Bitstring Alignments, but we need to align both 0 and 1.
Run Alignments and then flip both vectors and calculate it again, lets name it q. The alignment score at each index k is given by -
String Matching
More general version of Bitstring Matching. Let A and B be strings, how many times does B appear in A as substring?
Compute array f: Translate each element from A to a value with k as encoding of the character and . Vice versa calcualte g from B, but use . As this is again is alignment, reverse g.
Then, only when two characters are matching, the multiplcation is 1, and else less than 1. Thus if there is a match, you will find theB.size()
in . Note that other string processing methods like KMP or Rabin-Karp are better, performance-wise. -
String Matching with Wildcards
You can search with wildcards, therefore set the specific value in g to 0 and do not look for theB.size()
in the convultion, but forB.size() - numsWildcards
. -
All Distances
Let A be a bitstring, how many ways are to choose i and j, such that, and ?
The dot-product of A with itself solves this problem for all possible k, namely: . Note the center is then for k=0 and left and right sides are symmetric
Let Then, . So there are 4 possible ways to choose p and q, such that the difference is 0, and both are 1.
Bitwise not
E.g. For 6, which is 110 in binary, ~6 will be 11...11001, which is -5. -
Gettint the least significant bit
orx&(~x + 1)
:int LSOne(int num){ return num & -num; }
E.g. For 6, which is 110 in binary, it will return 010, which is 2.
Count trailing zeros:
E.g., 8 is 1000, thus
__builtin_ctz(8) = 3
[1] Halim, Steven et al. (2013). Competitive programming 4. Citeseer.
[2] Laaksonen, Antti (2018). Competitive Programmer’s Handbook.
[3] Cormen, Thomas et al. (2009). Introduction to algorithms. MIT press.