[1.6.0] - 2024-12-19
🚀 Features
(endpoints) Build request private helper method
(cache) Model helper property
🚜 Refactor
(endpoints) Remove unnecessary ruff ignore flag
(endpoints) Convert process_models into clasmethod
(endpoints) Make client attribute public
(endpoints) Request handle error helper private method
(endpoints) Process_response private helper method
(endpoints) Improve request method readability
(json-cache) Uses new model property
(sqlite-cache) Uses new model property
(reports) Adjust report endpoint to base
(endpoints) Use MODEL classvar instead of property
(cached_endpoint) Adjust subclass to new structure
(cached_endpoint) Log info about cache expiration
Remove all optional types
🕸 Deprecations
(endpoints) Deprecate 'method' helper method in favour of build_request
(endpoints) Deprecate model property in favour of class variable
(endpoints) Deprecate 'endpoint' property in favour of 'BASE_ENDPOINT' ClassVar
📚 Documentation
(json_cache) Encoder & decoder docstrings
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
(ruff) Ignore tc006 code
(cliff) Ignore merge commits
(cliff) Merge cliff.toml with pyproject
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