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City2BIM Overview

Marcus Schroeder edited this page Jul 13, 2021 · 10 revisions

The functionalities of the plugin can be accessed in the ribbon below the "City2BIM" tab entry.


If this entry is not present, it must be checked whether the .addin file is in the correct location or whether the link in the editable .addin file is set correctly (check our Installation guide).

The ribbon bar of the plugin contains the following icons:


The functionalities are explained on the separate pages, which you can access here or via the sidebar (right side of the browser tab).

Recommended work flow

In the following, we will briefly describe how to use the plugin in the best possible way. If you have any discrepancies or suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact us.


  • Acquisition of relevant geospatial data:
    • City model data in CityGML format (not necessary if data from VCS server is sufficient)
    • ALKIS data in NAS-XML format (german standard)
    • Terrain data as grid DTM (grid size depending on desired accuracy/realism)
  • Setting the project base point coordinate:
    • at best in metric land system coordinates
    • alternatively: WGS84 coordinate with latitude/longitude sufficient (if an ETRS89_UTM is used as geodetic system)

Program Sequence:

  • The most important step is first of all the definition of the georeferencing by transferring the project base point coordinate (position and height).
  • then relevant geodata can be imported
    • Attention: it must be ensured that all geodata are in the same reference system
  • If one or more ALKIS themes are to be draped on the terrain, the terrain must be imported before the ALKIS import is performed