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potatoqualitee committed Nov 5, 2024
1 parent a3820a4 commit ee62765
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Showing 12 changed files with 716 additions and 1,367 deletions.
605 changes: 151 additions & 454 deletions tests/Backup-DbaDatabase.Tests.ps1

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

263 changes: 120 additions & 143 deletions tests/Export-DbaRegServer.Tests.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,176 +1,153 @@
#Requires -Module @{ ModuleName="Pester"; ModuleVersion="5.0" }
$ModuleName = "dbatools",
$PSDefaultParameterValues = ($global:TestConfig = Get-TestConfig).Defaults

Describe "Export-DbaRegServer" -Tag "UnitTests" {
Context "Parameter validation" {
BeforeAll {
$command = Get-Command Export-DbaRegServer
$expected = $TestConfig.CommonParameters
$expected += @(

It "Has parameter: <_>" -ForEach $expected {
$command | Should -HaveParameter $PSItem

It "Should have exactly the number of expected parameters ($($expected.Count))" {
$hasParams = $command.Parameters.Values.Name
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $expected -DifferenceObject $hasParams | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")
Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$global:TestConfig = Get-TestConfig

Describe "$CommandName Unit Tests" -Tags "UnitTests" {
Context "Validate parameters" {
It "Should only contain our specific parameters" {
[object[]]$params = (Get-Command $CommandName).Parameters.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notin ('whatif', 'confirm') }
[object[]]$knownParameters = 'SqlInstance', 'SqlCredential', 'InputObject', 'Path', 'FilePath', 'CredentialPersistenceType', 'EnableException', 'Group', 'ExcludeGroup', 'Overwrite'
$knownParameters += [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters
(@(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($knownParameters | Where-Object { $_ }) -DifferenceObject $params).Count ) | Should -Be 0

Describe "Export-DbaRegServer" -Tag "IntegrationTests" {
BeforeAll {
$random = Get-Random
$newDirectory = "C:\temp-$random"
Describe "$CommandName Integration Tests" -Tag "IntegrationTests" {
BeforeEach {
$srvName = "dbatoolsci-server1"
$group = "dbatoolsci-group1"
$regSrvName = "dbatoolsci-server12"
$regSrvDesc = "dbatoolsci-server123"

$splatServer1 = @{
SqlInstance = $TestConfig.instance2
ServerName = "dbatoolsci-server1"
Name = "dbatoolsci-server12"
Description = "dbatoolsci-server123"
$newGroup = Add-DbaRegServerGroup -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -Name $group
$newServer = Add-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -ServerName $srvName -Name $regSrvName -Description $regSrvDesc

$splatServer2 = @{
SqlInstance = $TestConfig.instance2
ServerName = "dbatoolsci-server2"
Name = "dbatoolsci-server21"
Description = "dbatoolsci-server321"
$srvName2 = "dbatoolsci-server2"
$group2 = "dbatoolsci-group2"
$regSrvName2 = "dbatoolsci-server21"
$regSrvDesc2 = "dbatoolsci-server321"

$splatServer3 = @{
SqlInstance = $TestConfig.instance2
ServerName = "dbatoolsci-server3"
Name = "dbatoolsci-server3"
Description = "dbatoolsci-server3desc"
$newGroup2 = Add-DbaRegServerGroup -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -Name $group2
$newServer2 = Add-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -ServerName $srvName2 -Name $regSrvName2 -Description $regSrvDesc2

$regSrvName3 = "dbatoolsci-server3"
$srvName3 = "dbatoolsci-server3"
$regSrvDesc3 = "dbatoolsci-server3desc"

$group1 = Add-DbaRegServerGroup -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -Name "dbatoolsci-group1"
$group2 = Add-DbaRegServerGroup -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -Name "dbatoolsci-group2"
$newServer3 = Add-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -ServerName $srvName3 -Name $regSrvName3 -Description $regSrvDesc3

$random = Get-Random
$newDirectory = "C:\temp-$random"
AfterEach {
Get-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 | Where-Object Name -Match dbatoolsci | Remove-DbaRegServer -Confirm:$false
Get-DbaRegServerGroup -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 | Where-Object Name -Match dbatoolsci | Remove-DbaRegServerGroup -Confirm:$false
$results, $results2, $results3 | Remove-Item -ErrorAction Ignore

Remove-Item $newDirectory -ErrorAction Ignore -Recurse -Force

It "should create an xml file" {
$results = $newServer | Export-DbaRegServer
$results -is [System.IO.FileInfo] | Should -Be $true
$results.Extension -eq '.xml' | Should -Be $true

$server1 = Add-DbaRegServer @splatServer1
$server2 = Add-DbaRegServer @splatServer2
$server3 = Add-DbaRegServer @splatServer3
It "should create a specific xml file when using Path" {
$results2 = $newGroup2 | Export-DbaRegServer -Path C:\temp
$results2 -is [System.IO.FileInfo] | Should -Be $true
$results2.FullName | Should -match 'C\:\\temp'
Get-Content -Path $results2 -Raw | Should -Match $group2

AfterAll {
It "creates an importable xml file" {
$results3 = $newServer3 | Export-DbaRegServer -Path C:\temp
Get-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 | Where-Object Name -Match dbatoolsci | Remove-DbaRegServer -Confirm:$false
Get-DbaRegServerGroup -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 | Where-Object Name -Match dbatoolsci | Remove-DbaRegServerGroup -Confirm:$false
$results4 = Import-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -Path $results3
$newServer3.ServerName | Should -BeIn $results4.ServerName
$newServer3.Description | Should -BeIn $results4.Description

if (Test-Path $newDirectory) {
Remove-Item $newDirectory -Recurse -Force
It "Create an xml file using FilePath" {
$outputFileName = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.xml"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFileName
$results -is [System.IO.FileInfo] | Should -Be $true
$results.FullName | Should -Be $outputFileName

Context "When exporting registered servers" {
It "Creates an xml file" {
$results = $server1 | Export-DbaRegServer
$results | Should -BeOfType [System.IO.FileInfo]
$results.Extension | Should -Be '.xml'
It "Create a regsrvr file using the FilePath alias OutFile" {
$outputFileName = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.regsrvr"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -OutFile $outputFileName
$results -is [System.IO.FileInfo] | Should -Be $true
$results.FullName | Should -Be $outputFileName

It "Creates a specific xml file when using Path" {
$results = $group2 | Export-DbaRegServer -Path C:\temp
$results | Should -BeOfType [System.IO.FileInfo]
$results.FullName | Should -Match 'C\:\\temp'
Get-Content -Path $results -Raw | Should -Match 'dbatoolsci-group2'
It "Try to create an invalid file using FilePath" {
$outputFileName = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.txt"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFileName
$results.length | Should -Be 0

It "Creates an importable xml file" {
$exportPath = $server3 | Export-DbaRegServer -Path C:\temp
Get-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 | Where-Object Name -Match dbatoolsci | Remove-DbaRegServer -Confirm:$false
Get-DbaRegServerGroup -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 | Where-Object Name -Match dbatoolsci | Remove-DbaRegServerGroup -Confirm:$false
It "Create an xml file using the FilePath alias FileName in a directory that does not yet exist" {
$outputFileName = "$newDirectory\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.xml"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FileName $outputFileName
$results -is [System.IO.FileInfo] | Should -Be $true
$results.FullName | Should -Be $outputFileName

$importedServer = Import-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -Path $exportPath
$importedServer.ServerName | Should -Be $splatServer3.ServerName
$importedServer.Description | Should -Be $splatServer3.Description
It "Ensure the Overwrite param is working" {
$outputFileName = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.xml"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFileName
$results -is [System.IO.FileInfo] | Should -Be $true
$results.FullName | Should -Be $outputFileName

It "Creates an xml file using FilePath" {
$outputFile = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.xml"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFile
$results | Should -BeOfType [System.IO.FileInfo]
$results.FullName | Should -Be $outputFile
# test without -Overwrite
$invalidResults = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFileName
$invalidResults.length | Should -Be 0

It "Creates a regsrvr file using the FilePath alias OutFile" {
$outputFile = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.regsrvr"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -OutFile $outputFile
$results | Should -BeOfType [System.IO.FileInfo]
$results.FullName | Should -Be $outputFile
# test with -Overwrite
$resultsOverwrite = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFileName -Overwrite
$resultsOverwrite -is [System.IO.FileInfo] | Should -Be $true
$resultsOverwrite.FullName | Should -Be $outputFileName

It "Fails to create an invalid file using FilePath" {
$outputFile = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.txt"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFile
$results.Length | Should -Be 0
It "Test with the Group param" {
$outputFileName = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.xml"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFileName -Group $group
$results -is [System.IO.FileInfo] | Should -Be $true
$results.FullName | Should -Be $outputFileName

It "Creates an xml file in a new directory using FileName" {
$outputFile = "$newDirectory\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.xml"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FileName $outputFile
$results | Should -BeOfType [System.IO.FileInfo]
$results.FullName | Should -Be $outputFile
$fileText = Get-Content -Path $results -Raw

It "Respects the Overwrite parameter" {
$outputFile = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.xml"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFile
$results | Should -BeOfType [System.IO.FileInfo]
$results.FullName | Should -Be $outputFile
$fileText | Should -Match $group
$fileText | Should -Not -Match $group2

$invalidResults = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFile
$invalidResults.Length | Should -Be 0
It "Test with the Group param and multiple group names" {
$outputFileName = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.xml"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFileName -Group @($group, $group2)
$results.length | Should -Be 2

$resultsOverwrite = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFile -Overwrite
$resultsOverwrite | Should -BeOfType [System.IO.FileInfo]
$resultsOverwrite.FullName | Should -Be $outputFile
$fileText = Get-Content -Path $results[0] -Raw

It "Filters by Group parameter" {
$outputFile = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.xml"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFile -Group "dbatoolsci-group1"
$results | Should -BeOfType [System.IO.FileInfo]
$fileContent = Get-Content -Path $results -Raw
$fileContent | Should -Match "dbatoolsci-group1"
$fileContent | Should -Not -Match "dbatoolsci-group2"
$fileText | Should -Match $group
$fileText | Should -Not -Match $group2

It "Handles multiple groups" {
$outputFile = "C:\temp\dbatoolsci-regsrvr-export-$random.xml"
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -FilePath $outputFile -Group @("dbatoolsci-group1", "dbatoolsci-group2")
$results.Length | Should -Be 2
$fileText = Get-Content -Path $results[1] -Raw

$content1 = Get-Content -Path $results[0] -Raw
$content1 | Should -Match "dbatoolsci-group1"
$content1 | Should -Not -Match "dbatoolsci-group2"
$fileText | Should -Not -Match $group
$fileText | Should -Match $group2

$content2 = Get-Content -Path $results[1] -Raw
$content2 | Should -Not -Match "dbatoolsci-group1"
$content2 | Should -Match "dbatoolsci-group2"
It "Test with the ExcludeGroup param" {
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -ExcludeGroup $group2
$results -is [System.IO.FileInfo] | Should -Be $true

It "Respects ExcludeGroup parameter" {
$results = Export-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance $TestConfig.instance2 -ExcludeGroup "dbatoolsci-group2"
$results | Should -BeOfType [System.IO.FileInfo]
$fileContent = Get-Content -Path $results -Raw
$fileContent | Should -Match "dbatoolsci-group1"
$fileContent | Should -Not -Match "dbatoolsci-group2"
$fileText = Get-Content -Path $results -Raw

$fileText | Should -Match $group
$fileText | Should -Not -Match $group2

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