The Russian ACS-1 aircraft clock is just sexy. It was made for numerous Soviet fighter jets such as the MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-27 and the Su-27.
Having been given one as a present from friends in Russia, I wanted to design both a housing for it and add a modern weather station utilising the ESP32 dev board and the new Adafruit 2.9" Diagonal E-Ink display.
The housing was designed in AutoCAD and makes use of clear perspect to show off the internals of both the clock and the ESP32 and wiring
There is still a huge amount to be done, mostly on how the data is displayed. My thoughts are:
- Add individual boxes around key elements such as temperature and wind speed
- Add images such as clouds or the sun to display according to the actual forecast
- Make better use of the try-colour display