A collection of cloud-native technologies learning resources from cloudmelon
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This repostitory recap all useful kubectl commands and explainations for core concepts and API primitives of Kubernetes.
Chapters | Description |
00 - Shortcuts | Kubectl commands shortcuts |
01 - Pod design | Pod Design |
02 - Rolling updates & rollbacks | Rolling updates & rollbacks |
03 - Networking | Kubernetes Networking |
04 - ETCD | ETCD |
05 - Volumes | Kubernetes Storage |
06 - Observability | Kubernetes Observability |
07 - ConfigMap | ConfigMap |
08 - Services | Services |
09 - Security | Security |
Learn how to get started with Kubernetes in 2024, check out this blog post
Chapters | Description |
Setup Minikube Cluster | End-to-End how to Setup Minikube Cluster |
Set up AKS cluster | End-to-End how to Set up AKS cluster |
Mastering Kubernetes By doing AKS DevSecOps Workshop : https://azure.github.io/AKS-DevSecOps-Workshop/
Kubernetes the hard way on Azure : https://github.com/ivanfioravanti/kubernetes-the-hard-way-on-azure/tree/master/docs
There are 5 major cloud-native certifications, and all 5 certifications certified make you eligible for Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF)'s Kubestronaut Program under the condition that the candidate successfully maintains the following 5 certifications in goods tanding at the same time : • Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) • Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) • Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) • Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) • Kubernetes and Cloud Native Security Associate (KCSA)
Additional Kubernetes ecosystem : • Prometheus Certified Associate (PCA) • Istio Certified Associate (ICA) • Cilium Certified Associate (CCA) • Certified Argo Project Associate (CAPA) • GitOps Certified Associate (CGOA)
- AKS Current preview features: https://aka.ms/aks/previewfeatures
- AKS Release notes: https://aka.ms/aks/releasenotes
- AKS Public roadmap: http://aka.ms/aks/roadmap
- AKS Known-issues: https://aka.ms/aks/knownissues
Please check it out : https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/templates/201-vmss-master-slave-customscript/
Please go to my blog cloud-melon.com to get more details about how to implement this solution and more about Microsoft Azure ( ref link : https://cloudmelonvision.com )
Feel free to reach out to my twitter @MelonyQ for more details ( https://twitter.com/MelonyQ ).
Contributors names and contacts
- Github profile here
- Twitter @MelonyQ
- Blog CloudMelon Vis
- Youtube CloudMelon Vis
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This project is licensed under MIT license.
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