Updates AWS API Gateway using an API created with django-rest-framework as base.
Because DRF doesn't generate a Swagger 2.0 JSON file and AWS doesn't work with Swagger 1.2.
Install it using pip or simply clone this repository.
- AWS CLI (the "aws" command) (aws-cli >= 1.10.38).
python3 -m drf_to_api_gw https://example.com/v1/docs/api-docs API_NAME
If your app is running on Heroku, you can use:
python3 -m drf_to_api_gw heroku:HEROKU-APP-NAME API_NAME
"API_NAME" is the name of the API as you would like it to be on AWS API Gateway.
- apimatic.io and this nice tool: https://apitransformer.com/