- 🌱 I’m currently learning K8s,Golang, Cilium, GPU, CUDA,.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- Explain in detail the service exposure mechanism in K8s and the OpenELB load balancer KubeSphere Meetup
- Analysis of cross-cluster elastic scaling scenarios and implementations for Karmada KCD Beijing
- Break Through Cluster Boundaries to Autoscale Workloads Across Them on a Large Scale KubeCon Shanghai
- Break Through Cluster Boundaries to Autoscale Workloads Across Them on a Large Scale KubeCon Chicago
- Kubean: A Multi-Cluster Lifecycle Management Tool Deepin Meetup Chengdu
- A Deep Dive into Cilium Gateway API: The Future of Ingress Traffic Routing Dalian CNC
- Project Lightning Talk: A Deep Dive into Cilium Gateway API: The Future of Ingress Traffic Routing KubeCon Hongkong