Fluent UI Web Controls implementation of the sample Figma Fluent UI toolkit resource provided by Microsoft.
Uploaded copy to Figma here: https://www.figma.com/file/7TNP96MpJ3hehby2h1enu4/Microsoft-Fluent-Web?node-id=4752%3A931
Original source: Figma Fluent UI toolkit resource
Uses the same layout as https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fluentui#/controls/web, the top header is not always visible once you scroll down.
Every 5 reconds shows a random type of MessageBar
npm install
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NPM package to publish to the branch named gh-pages
npm run deploy
- Migrate Create React App to Vite https://www.robinwieruch.de/vite-create-react-app/
- Add back tests https://www.robinwieruch.de/vitest-react-testing-library/
- Deploy using GitHub Actions https://vitejs.dev/guide/static-deploy.html#github-pages
- Try out PNPM