LiveView Chat App with TailwindCSS and POW Auth Boilerplate
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm install
inside theassets
directory - Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Before going to the liveview chat app, first you need to:
- Register atleast 2 users
- Sign in one of your user to incognito or other browser (to check liveview functionality)
- Go to: http://localhost:4000/chat
Right now I automatically created chat conversations based on the number of users, so you can quickly check its functionality
- Authentication using POW Auth
- Integrate TailwindCSS Framework
- Realtime Messaging (LiveView, PubSub)
- Unread messages counter (automatically reads all messages when the conversation was open)
- Latest message preview (beside unread messages counter)
- Search conversation feature
- Messages grouped by date sent