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Creates an automated digital e-yearbook (Cummins College of Engineering)

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Autographx - Automated YearBook Generator


forthebadge made-with-python
All Contributors

Collecting data from students 📚

As this year and your degree comes to an end, let's reminisce our times together, so let's put it all in a yearbook!

  1. Create Google Drive folder, in that, please create a folder with and in the folder add a text file <namesurname.txt> which should contain following four lines Name : Your Name Quote : Your Yearbook quote
  2. Add a picture of yourself with the name <namesurname.png>
  3. Go to your friends' folders to write an autograph for them by adding a text file in their folder with <autograph_namesurname.txt>
  4. in the text file, write whatever you want to write for your friend!
  5. If you want to write something for the whole class, add another <autogtaph_yourname.txt> in a <batch_year> folder, substituting the year with the current year.

How to contribute 🤝 contributions welcome

  • Pick up any issue you think you can help with from things to do section (check if it exists in github issues tab, if it doesn't then create one)
  • Send a message on whatsapp group to check if someone's working on it.
  • If no one's working on it, assign the issue to yourself
  • Create a branch or fork with the issue name
  • Once solved, raise a PR to the dev branch.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


🤔 💻


🖋 📖 💻

















This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
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