I am Cees-Jan Kiewiet.
All new major package releases will be in PHP 8.2
- php-openapi-tools/utils (1 day ago)
- php-api-clients/github-root (1 day ago)
- WyriHaximus/php-fake-php-version (1 day ago)
- php-api-clients/github-enterprise-cloud (2 days ago)
- php-openapi-tools/generator (3 days ago)
- php-api-clients/github-ae (3 days ago)
- WyriHaximus/blog.wyrihaximus.net (4 days ago)
- WyriHaximus/php-test-utilities (6 days ago)
- WyriHaximus/github-action-oci-image-supported-platforms (6 days ago)
- WyriHaximusNet/helm-charts (1 week ago)
- WyriHaximus/github-workflows (1 week ago)
- WyriHaximusNet/docker-kubernetes-redis-db-assignment-operator (2 weeks ago)
- WyriHaximus/github-action-composer.lock-diff (2 weeks ago)
- WyriHaximus/github-action-oci-image-supported-platforms -
- WyriHaximus/hacs-prometheus-pushgateway - Home Assistant addon that pushes entity state changes to a Prometheus PushGateway
- WyriHaximus/php-generative-composer-plugin-tooling - Tooling for creating generative Composer Plugins
- WyriHaximus/Makefiles - Makefile building blocks
- WyriHaximus/playground-github-action-mixed-js-docker - Playground to work on shared workflows
- WyriHaximus/php-tile-stitcher -
- WyriHaximus/reactphp-phpunit-run-tests-in-fiber - Trait to run all tests in a fiber
- WyriHaximus/php-metrics-prometheus-push-gateway - Prom Push Gateway package for wyrihaximus/metrics
- WyriHaximus/phpstan-reactphp - ReactPHP extension for PHPStan
- WyriHaximus/reactphp-throw-unhandled-rejected-promises -
- WyriHaximus/promise-any-test -
- WyriHaximus/renovate-config - Renovate shared config
- WyriHaximus/reactphp-opportunistic-tls -
- WyriHaximus/php-fake-php-version (1.9.9, 1 day ago) - Ever wanted a fake non-existing version number of PHP, well this package is for you!
- JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs (v2024.3, 1 day ago) - PHP runtime & extensions header files for PhpStorm
- WyriHaximus/blog.wyrihaximus.net (r56, 4 days ago) -
- groundhog2k/helm-charts (gitea-0.11.6, 4 days ago) - Helm charts for open source applications - ready to use for deployment on Kubernetes
- bakame-php/http-structured-fields (2.0.0, 6 days ago) - Structured Field Values for HTTP manipulation in PHP
- WyriHaximus/reactphp-child-process-messenger (4.0.4, 2 weeks ago) -
- WyriHaximus/github-action-supported-php-versions (v1.31, 2 weeks ago) -
- mkilchhofer/unifi-chart (unifi-1.11.0, 3 weeks ago) - Forked from https://github.com/k8s-at-home/charts
- WyriHaximus/github-action-helm3 (v4.0.2, 3 weeks ago) - Slim wrapper around helm3
- reactphp/http (v1.11.0, 4 weeks ago) - Event-driven, streaming HTTP client and server implementation for ReactPHP.
- WyriHaximus/php-coding-standard (2.15.0, 1 month ago) - PHP Coding Standard
- WyriHaximus/php-phpstan-rules-wrapper (9.0.0, 1 month ago) - π― PHPStan rules wrapper
- WyriHaximus/php-generative-composer-plugin-tooling (1.0.3, 1 month ago) - Tooling for creating generative Composer Plugins
- Switch to action for OCI platforms on WyriHaximus/github-workflows (today)
- Don't build on README updates on WyriHaximusNet/docker-php (1 day ago)
- Bump to wyrihaximus/test-utilities v6 on php-openapi-tools/utils (1 day ago)
- [New Version] Update versions file to PHP 8.4.2 on WyriHaximus/php-fake-php-version (1 day ago)
- [GitHubEnterprise-3.15] Update to 1.1.4-461f97fcd984db4523b5ea3d4c13bdc9 from 1.1.4-f994914a014deb77ece836279f42b93e on php-api-clients/github-root (1 day ago)
- [GitHubEnterprise-3.14] Update to 1.1.4-e9e561609727200e583d8b0b8e5feeb1 from 1.1.4-15f794337a26277abf54b138881ec64f on php-api-clients/github-root (1 day ago)
- [GitHubEnterprise-3.13] Update to 1.1.4-8089ef8f95a445cc86353674bade2e6e from 1.1.4-f3dffe22057364fad31701a91b023bcb on php-api-clients/github-root (1 day ago)
- [GitHubEnterpriseCloud] Update to 1.1.4-748267a07491cd1ebfa9c41b5a4c19d6 from 1.1.4-369141ccf82ff71f710ebff5458b7b5a on php-api-clients/github-root (2 days ago)
- [GitHub] Update to 1.1.4-ee410229436a838f44c982a4ed9c9572 from 1.1.4-4443d2c21890f0b754f9e632d191bd85 on php-api-clients/github-root (2 days ago)
- [GitHubEnterprise-3.6] Update to 1.1.4-34d12e9c9f557d2d2977464d5cd49398 from 1.1.4-34d12e9c9f557d2d2977464d5cd49398 on php-api-clients/github-root (2 days ago)
- [GitHubEnterprise-3.5] Update to 1.1.4-a21d39699884865a10804a02a66c5b60 from 1.1.4-a21d39699884865a10804a02a66c5b60 on php-api-clients/github-root (2 days ago)
- [GitHubEnterprise-3.4] Update to 1.1.4-8491d07e4903341efa2424ac8af7c5ec from 1.1.4-8491d07e4903341efa2424ac8af7c5ec on php-api-clients/github-root (2 days ago)
- [GitHubEnterprise-3.3] Update to 1.1.4-1e26e0dd1e96061fd9e8934a7a019705 from 1.1.4-1e26e0dd1e96061fd9e8934a7a019705 on php-api-clients/github-root (2 days ago)
- mintcreg/pantry_tracker - A Home Assistant add-on to manage and track pantry items, with product categorization, real-time inventory updates, and intuitive controls.. (1 day ago)
- avgupta456/github-trends - π Level up your GitHub profile readme with customizable cards including LOC statistics! (2 days ago)
- anvaka/map-of-github - Inspirational Mapping (2 days ago)
- hagezi/dns-blocklists - DNS-Blocklists: For a better internet - keep the internet clean! (5 days ago)
- biomejs/biome - A toolchain for web projects, aimed to provide functionalities to maintain them. Biome offers formatter and linter, usable via CLI and LSP. (1 week ago)
- snyk/parlay - Enrich SBOMs with data from third party services (2 weeks ago)
- LouisBrunner/diff-action - GitHub Action that compares two files, add tolerances, send notifications, etc (2 weeks ago)
- TilmanGriesel/graphite - Calm and clean theme for Home Assistant (2 weeks ago)
- norwoodj/helm-docs - A tool for automatically generating markdown documentation for helm charts (3 weeks ago)
- Clever/microplane - A CLI tool to make git changes across many repos, especially useful with Microservices. (3 weeks ago)
- spatie/typescript-transformer - Transform PHP types to TypeScript (3 weeks ago)
- jenius-apps/beeskie - A Windows app for Bluesky (3 weeks ago)
- lowlighter/metrics - π An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON! (3 weeks ago)
- edorian (10 months ago)
- codecov (1 year ago)
- mangkepwing143 (2 years ago)
- jeromegamez (2 years ago)
- kristos80 (2 years ago)
- getflights (2 years ago)
- csev (3 years ago)
- erikaheidi (4 years ago)
- AllenJB (4 years ago)
- lcobucci (5 years ago)
- Ocramius (5 years ago)
- Mastodon: @[email protected]
- Blog: blog.wyrihaximus.net
- The X formally known as Twitter: @WyriHaximus
- Website: wyrihaximus.net
- Email: [email protected]