You are NOT logged in. Click here to login. Note! If you get a 404 error, be sure to add your address to your github account by going to your profile > Settings > Emails. If you still get a 404 error, you'll need to be added to the organization; please submit a ticket by emailing escp-ticket -at-
This GitHub organization is available to all faculty, staff, students, and Tufts affiliates with valid Tufts credentials.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
The Tufts University (GitHub Organization) is connected to the Tufts Shibboleth SAML Identity Provider (IdP) for single-sign-on to enforce the use of Tufts credentials to access resources in this organization.
More information
Please email [email protected] if you are not able to access this resource. All Tufts faculty, staff, students, and active affiliates with valid Tufts credentials should have access to this GitHub organization.