Wijourno is a way to connect between your Mac and your iOS devices using Bonjour! We use GCDAsyncSockets to handle the network communication, it rocks.
Wijourno was developed by RobotGrrl.
See website for details.
Wijourno is Open Source under the BSD 3-Clause license! Fork the repository, and modify it all you want. We encourage you to redistribute your code. If you do create something cool or improve upon this, please let us know!
You can also make your own applications with Wijourno! Although the BSD 3-Clause license is not a "copyleft" license that requires you to redistribute the source code, we highly encourage that you do so. The Arduino community is what it celebrates, an open sharing of all knowledge used to make a project!
Wijourno is released under the BSD 3-Clause license. You can view our other legal information in legal.markdown or on the website.