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Dilip Krishnan edited this page Aug 17, 2015 · 95 revisions


Thursday - Hypermedia Hack Day

8 AM Registration, coffee, breakfast foods.  

Hypermedia API Bake Off!

Attendees will bring their best Hypermedia API skills and group-up (or "cook" solo) to present their best variation on a Todo list spec current in progress on the wiki .


Hypermedia API Bake Off!

Attendees will bring their best Hypermedia API skills and group-up (or "cook" solo) to present their best variation on a Todo list spec current in progress on the wiki.

5 PM - until

GET /greenville

We've heard often that REST Fest attendees love Greenville, but that they don't get to see much of it. This year, we're giving all the tired hack-day'ers the chance to wander Greenville, SC. It's changed quite a bit since you were last here--even if you were here last year!


Friday - Stack Demo Day & Main Event

REST and Hypermedia APIs are made up of many moving parts, and often those get overlooked or undervalued. We wanted to give developers and API designers the chance to pitch and explain their approaches.

Check-in & Coffee  
Demos of HTTP clients, servers, formats, etc.
Various Attendees
Extended Talks Select Attendees
Five-in-Five Talks - Part I (about 7)
  • Hypermedia with Transit (Larry Staton Jr.)
  • Lorinda Brandon - The evolution of API Strategy: managing change without disruption
  • Luke Stokes - Where to Hide the Complexity?
  • Dave Nolan - Falling into the pit of success
  • Tom Brooke - Data Privacy and Consent Receipt
  • Doug Cone - RESTful Home Automation
  • Josh Wingstrom - Hypermedia Clients and Protocols
  • Alan Laidlaw - Why we dont get hypermedia
Five-in-Five Talks - Part II (about 7)
Various Attendees
Steve Brownlee - Mountaintop Removal
Todd Fredrich - HyperExpress
Todd Grooms - SirenKit for iOS
Manoj Agarwal - Enabling CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for a REST API
Mark Foster - A few thoughts on API constraints
Eric Oestrich - Showing off RspecApiDocumentation
Rob Zazueta - Descriptor Languages and the Real Promised Land of Hypermedia
5:00-6:30 Dinner Break - wander Main St.  
6:30 PM Coffee Bar opens!
  The Main Event Begins  
6:30-7:00 Additional Check-in Time
7:00-7:30 Opening Remarks

Keynote - HTTP: The Good Parts

REST demands we think about resources, representations, and rich interactions; however, it's easy to forget the substrate upon which our beautiful hypermedia APIs "rest". HTTP has lots of interesting and powerful ways to enhance interaction and efficiency that most applications leave untapped because they focus so much on the act of processing a request, rather than the properties of the resource being requested. Let's look more closely at those HTTP features and then see how you can tap into them more declaratively with Webmachine.

Sean Cribbs
8:30-???? Hack Room Pitches & Hacking   
8:30-???? Table top games & Indie Film  

Saturday - Main Conference

8AM-5PM Hack Rooms open all day

8:00-8:30 Morning Coffee  
Extended Talks

Select Attendees


9:45-10:45 Morning FiveInFive Talks (about 6)
IPFS - The Permanent Web (Joel Clermont)
What is the IETF, how does it work, and why should I care? (Darrel Miller)
RESTful Search API, requirements and approaches (Phil Marsteau)
vnd.error format - then and now (Ben Longden)
Michael Ottoson It will be a surprise - esp. to me
Shelby Switzer: Language lesson and a rant about education
Retrofitting an existing platform (Cameron Esdaile)
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 More FiveInFive Talks (about 5)
Patrick Mueller - Server-Sent Events - another weird HTTP thang
Matthew Dobson - Documenting Hypermedia and corresponding state machines.
Dane King - Putting the Design back into TDD.
Ryan McAllen - Fight to Win: Know your Enemy.
John Wheeler - Data for the REST of us.
Court Brown - What are the biggest pit falls of REST?

1:00-1:45 Extended Talks
Select Attendees
2:00-3:30 Afternoon FiveInFive Talks (about 6)
David Heath
Lukas Linhart - MIA
Francois Boudreault Some History (Since I'm old enough to talk about history)
Ted Epstein -
D-Factors: How strong is your data contract?
Adam Magaluk - Electrons to APIs
Francois Collins I'll think of something... I hope
Jason Harmon Scaling API Design
Sean Cribbs Niggling Conneg
3:30-3:45 Break  
3:45-5:00 Afternoon FiveInFive Talks (about 6)
Dilip Krishnan - Using swagger To Bridge The "Semantic Gap"
5:00-5:30 Closing Remarks

7:00 PM

After Party

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