Forked from Parsely/python-nlp-slides
Presentations are written in rst, then compiled to html presentations with choosen css theme.
- python2
- pygments
- docutils
edit index.rst or any other rst to write your presentations, see formatting below for details how
then run and name of your rst, without ".rst". If no paramater is provided index is used
more will be added later
.. class:: incremental - the page moves one element at a time
.. sourcecode:: [python, plain, ...] - do syntax higlight for block of code
.. image:: path to img - insert img
Line 5 - background and text color
body {background: DimGray; color: white;}```
Line 60,61 - color for a text which did not appear yet (when using .. class:: incremental)
.incremental, .incremental *, .incremental *:after {
color: dimgray; visibility: visible; border: 0;}
Note that the slides can be controlled as follows:
- Advance forward / back with the forward and back keys, or left click / right click of the mouse
- Press
to get the "controls", which also allows you to skip slides and switch to outline mode - Outline mode includes some notes not included in the slidedeck, and also allows you to easily copy/paste examples into your own interpreter
Quoting author @amontalenti
Using Python, of course. It's turtles all the way down.
I wrote the slides using reST, and specifically Docutils support for S5 export. Scripts are included to compile the presentation from the index.rst file and also to allow development of new slides with live recompilation using pyinotify (Linux systems only). See
for more information.