- About
- Getting Started
- CLI Tools Usage
- OPTIGA™ Trust X OpenSSL Engine Usage
- Simple Example on OpenSSL using C language
- Troubleshooting
- License
This is a command line tools tools and OpenSSL Engine for OPTIGA™ Trust X on Linux platform.
Following is the software component to build the tools :
- OpenSSL development library (libssl-dev)
- OpenSSL 1.1.X
- OPTIGA™ Trust X library (source code)
- pthread
- rt
- trustx library (source code)
Following must be functional before the tools could be run :
- Communication with OPTIGA™ Trust X via I2C
Tested platforms:
- Raspberry PI 3 on Linux kernel 4.19
This tools consists of the following files & directory:
├── bin /* all executable command and .so file (created during make) */
├── LICENSE // MIT license file
├── linux_example // Source code for executable file
│ ├── simpleTest_Client.c // simple example for Client TLS/DTLS in C
│ ├── simpleTest_Server.c // simple example for Server TLS/DTLS in C
│ ├── trustx_cert.c // read and store x.509 certificate in OPTIGA™ Trust X
│ └── trustx_chipinfo.c // list chip info
│ ├── trustx_data.c // read and store raw data in OPTIGA™ Trust X
│ ├── trustx_keygen.c // Key generation
│ ├── trustx_metadata.c // read and modify metadata of selected OID
│ ├── trustx_read_app1.c // read all app1 data
│ ├── trustx_read_app2.c // read all app2 data
│ ├── trustx_read_cert.c // read all certificate OID data
│ ├── trustx_readmetadata_app1.c // read all metadata of app1
│ ├── trustx_readmetadata_app2.c // read all metadata of app2
│ ├── trustx_readmetadata_cert.c // read all metadata of certificate OID
│ ├── trustx_readmetadata_private.c // read all metadata of keys OID
│ ├── trustx_readmetadata_status.c // read all metadata of status OID
│ ├── trustx_read_status.c // read all status data
│ ├── trustx_sign.c // example of OPTIGA™ Trust X sign function
│ └── trustx_verify.c // example of OPTIGA™ Trust X verify function
├── Makefile // this project Makefile
├── patch /* patch folder for trustx library */
│ └── pal_os_event.c // work around patch for OPTIGA™ Trust X pal library
├── README.md // this read me file in Markdown format
├── trustx_engine /* all OPTIGA™ Trust X OpenSSL Engine source code */
│ ├── trustx_engine.c // entry point for OPTIGA™ Trust X OpenSSL Engine
│ ├── trustx_engine_common.h // header file for OPTIGA™ Trust X OpenSSL Engine
│ ├── trustx_engine_ec.c // ECC engine api
│ ├── trustx_engine_ec.h // ECC engine header
│ ├── trustx_engine_rand.c // Random number generator
├── trustx_helper /* Helper rountine for OPTIGA™ Trust X library */
│ ├── include /* Helper include directory
│ │ └── trustx_helper.h // Helper header file
│ └── trustx_helper.c // Helper source
└── trustx_lib /* Directory for OPTIGA™ Trust X library */
Before building the tools ensure that the prerequisites is met.
To build the command line tools, openssl engine (shared library) and Trust X shared library execute the following.
foo@bar:~$ make
foo@bar:~$ sudo make install
to unisntall
foo@bar:~$ sudo make uninstall
to clean
foo@bar:~$ make clean
After building the tools you need to do the following:
If you work under Raspberry Pi all gpio related operations are already allowed for users in group gpio
via udev rules.
It means in order to run all command line tools in non-sudo mode you need to add yourself into this group; i.e.
foo@bar:~$ sudo usermod -a -G gpio pi
foo@bar:~$ groups
#Sample output follows
pi adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input netdev gpio i2c spi
Read/Write/Clear certificate from/to certificate data object. Output and input certificate in PEM format.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_cert
Help menu: trustx_cert <option> ...<option>
-r <Cert OID> : Read Certificate from OID 0xNNNN
-w <Cert OID> : Write Certificte to OID
-o <filename> : Output certificate to file
-i <filename> : Input certificate to file
-c <Cert OID> : Clear cert OID data to zero
-h : Print this help
Example to read OID 0xe0e0 and output the certification to teste0e0.crt
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_cert -r 0xe0e0 -o teste0e0.crt
Reading OID 0xE0E0
Output File Name : teste0e0.crt
foo@bar:~$ cat teste0e0.crt
Example to write certificate teste0e0.crt into OID 0xe0e1
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_cert -w 0xe0e1 -i teste0e0.crt
Example to clear certificate store in OID 0xe0e1
fop@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_cert -c 0xe0e1
Display the OPTIGA™ Trust X chip information
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_chipinfo
Read Chip Info [0xE0C2]: Success.
CIM Identifier [bCimIdentifer]: 0xcd
Platform Identifer [bPlatformIdentifier]: 0x16
Model Identifer [bModelIdentifier]: 0x33
ID of ROM mask [wROMCode]: 0x6b01
Chip Type [rgbChipType]: 0x00 0x1c 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00
X-coordinate [wChipPositionX]: 0x005c
Y-coordinate [wChipPositionY]: 0x0046
Firmware Identifier [dwFirmwareIdentifier]: 0x80101071
Build Number [rgbESWBuild]: 11 18
Chip software build V1.40.1118
Read/Write/Erase OID data object in raw format.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_data
Help menu: trustx_data <option> ...<option>
-r <OID> : Read from OID 0xNNNN
-w <OID> : Write to OID
-i <filename> : Input file
-o <filename> : Output file
-p <offset> : Offset position
-e : Erase and wirte
-h : Print this help
Example writing text file 1234.txt into OID 0xe0e1 and reading after writing
foo@bar:~$ cat 1234.txt
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_data -w 0xe0e1 -i 1234.txt
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] Offset: 0
Input data :
31 32 33 34 0a
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_data -r 0xe0e1
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] [Size 0005] :
31 32 33 34 0a
Example erase with offset OID 0xe0e1
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_data -w 0xe0e1 -e -p 10 -i 1234.txt
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] Offset: 10
Input data :
31 32 33 34 0a
Write Success.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_data -r 0xe0e1
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] [Size 0015] :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 31 32 33 34 0a
Generate OPTIGA™ Trust X key pair. Key type can be or together to form multiple type.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_keygen
Help menu: trustx_keygen <option> ...<option>
-g <Key OID> : Generate Key in OID 0xNNNN
-t <key type> : Key type Auth:0x01 Enc :0x02 HFWU:0x04
DevM:0X08 Sign:0x10 Agmt:0x20
[default Auth]
-k <key size> : Key size ECC256:0x03 ECC384:0x04 [default ECC256]
-o <filename> : Output Pubkey to file in PEM format
-h : Print this help
Example to generate an ECC256 key with type Auth, Enc and Sign in OID 0xe0f3.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_keygen -g 0xe0f3 -t 0x13 -k 0x03 -o teste0f3_pub.pem
Generating Key to 0xE0F3
Output File Name : teste0f3_pub.pem
Pubkey :
30 59 30 13 06 07 2a 86 48 ce 3d 02 01 06 08 2a
86 48 ce 3d 03 01 07 03 42 00 04 8a 3c 11 3c fa
9f 86 24 bf 48 2b 66 18 a2 68 fd 06 bc 24 32 94
10 a2 68 17 58 af 6a 93 6a a2 85 9a fc 08 0c 6a
15 f7 f4 73 97 2b ac f2 e5 87 f5 73 ff 22 8e 0b
8e 58 86 69 83 d2 41 99 95 8d 5b
foo@bar:~$ cat teste0f3_pub.pem
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Modify OPTIGA™ Trust X OID metadata.
Warning : -L and -T option is not reversible. Lock set Lcs0 to 0x07 and Terminate set Lcs0 to 0x0F
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_metadata
Help menu: trustx_metadata <option> ...<option>
-r <OID> : Read metadata of OID 0xNNNN
-w <OID> : Write metadata of OID
-C <data> : Set Change mode (a:allow change,
n:disable change,
t:disable change on termination,
f:<input file for complex setting>)
-R <data> : Set Read mode (a:allow read,
t:disable read on termination
f:<input file for complex setting>)
-L : Lock OID metadata
-h : Print this help
Example for changing OID 0xe0e1 metadata to read only and reading the metadata after changing
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_metadata -w 0xe0e1 -Cn -Ra
Device Public Key [0xE0E1]
20 06 D0 01 FF D1 01 00
Write Success.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_metadata -r 0xe0e1
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] [Size 0018] :
20 10 C0 01 01 C4 02 06 C0 C5 01 0F D0 01 FF D1
01 00
LcsO:0x01, Max:1728, Used:15, C:NEV, R:ALW
Example for charging OID 0xe0e1 metadata using complex setting (LcsO>3||LcsG<4) for Change mode
foo@bar:~$ echo -e -n \\x07\\xe1\\xfb\\x03\\xfe\\x70\\xfc\\x04 > complexsetting.bin
foo@bar:~$ hd complexsetting.bin
00000000 07 e1 fb 03 fe 70 fc 04 |.....p..|
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_metadata -w 0xe0e1 -Cf:complexsetting.bin
Device Public Key [0xE0E1]
20 09 D0 07 E1 FB 03 FE 70 FC 04
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_metadata -r 0xe0e1
Device Public Key [0xE0E1] [Size 0024] :
20 16 C0 01 01 C4 02 06 C0 C5 01 0F D0 07 E1 FB
03 FE 70 FC 04 D1 01 00
LcsO:0x01, Max:1728, Used:15, C:LcsO>3||LcsG<4, R:ALW
Read all app1 data object : 0xF1D0 - 0xF1DF
Read all app2 data object : 0xF1E0 - 0xF1E1
Read all certificate data object : 0xE0E0 - 0xF1E3, 0xE0E8, 0xE0EF
Read all app1 data object metadata : 0xF1D0 - 0xF1DF
Read all app2 data object metadata: 0xF1E0 - 0xF1E1
Read all certificate data object metadata : 0xE0E0 - 0xF1E3, 0xE0E8, 0xE0EF
Read all keys data object metadata : 0xE0F0-0xE0F3
Read all status data object metadata : 0xE0C0-0xE0C5, 0xF1C1-0xF1C2
Read the data of status register : 0xE0C0-0xE0C5, 0xF1C1-0xF1C2
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_read_status
Global Life Cycle Status [0xE0C0] [Size 0001] : 07
Global Security Status [0xE0C1] [Size 0001] : 00
UID [0xE0C2] [Size 0027] :
CD 16 33 6B 01 00 1C 00 01 00 00 0A 08 52 55 00
Sleep Mode Activation Delay [0xE0C3] [Size 0001] : 14
Current Limitation [0xE0C4] [Size 0001] : 06
Security Event Counter [0xE0C5] [Size 0001] : 00
Application Security Sts [0xF1C1] [Size 0001] : 00
Application Error Codes [0xF1C2] [Size 0001] : 00
Simple demo to show the process to sign using OPTIGA™ Trust X key.
Note : the option -H is not implemented. Input data is signed as it is, no hash is done.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_sign
Help menu: trustx_sign <option> ...<option>
-k <OID Key> : Select key for signing OID 0xNNNN
-o <filename> : Output to file
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-H : Hash before sign
-h : Print this help
Example to sign the file helloworld.txt with key OID 0xE0F3 and output to testsignature.bin
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_sign -k 0xe0f3 -o testsignature.bin -i helloworld.txt
OID Key 0xE0F3
Output File Name : testsignature.bin
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Input data :
68 65 6C 6C 6F 77 6F 72 6C 64 0A
foo@bar:~$ hd testsignature.bin
00000000 02 21 00 a9 a3 39 36 8a 7f 9c 32 05 cb ea b6 41 |.!...96...2....A|
00000010 62 3f ea b0 78 3b 37 f4 3b 96 c1 68 3f aa b3 cf |b?..x;7.;..h?...|
00000020 d3 71 75 02 21 00 e7 a6 6d 6a 76 88 81 01 f4 54 |.qu.!...mjv....T|
00000030 3e 03 34 2e 2a 6e 77 47 2b 0a fd fc 79 1e ac df |>.4.*nwG+...y...|
00000040 6b 3f 5d 5c 77 52 |k?]\wR|
Simple demo to show the process to verify using OPTIGA™ Trust X library.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_verify
Help menu: trustx_verify <option> ...<option>
-k <OID Key> : Read Certificate from OID 0xNNNN
-i <filename> : Input Data file
-s <signature> : Signature file
-p <pubkey> : Host Pubkey
-H : Hash before sign
-h : Print this help
Example for verifying a signature using external public key.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_verify -i helloworld.txt -s testsignature.bin -p teste0f3_pub.pem
Pubkey file : teste0f3_pub.pem
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Signature File Name : testsignature.bin
68 65 6C 6C 6F 77 6F 72 6C 64 0A
Signature :
02 21 00 A9 A3 39 36 8A 7F 9C 32 05 CB EA B6 41
62 3F EA B0 78 3B 37 F4 3B 96 C1 68 3F AA B3 CF
D3 71 75 02 21 00 E7 A6 6D 6A 76 88 81 01 F4 54
3E 03 34 2E 2A 6E 77 47 2B 0A FD FC 79 1E AC DF
6B 3F 5D 5C 77 52
Pub key :
03 42 00 04 8A 3C 11 3C FA 9F 86 24 BF 48 2B 66
18 A2 68 FD 06 BC 24 32 94 10 A2 68 17 58 AF 6A
93 6A A2 85 9A FC 08 0C 6A 15 F7 F4 73 97 2B AC
F2 E5 87 F5 73 FF 22 8E 0B 8E 58 86 69 83 D2 41
99 95 8D 5B
Verify Success.
Example for verifying using certificate store in OID 0xE0E1
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_verify -i helloworld.txt -s testsignaturee0e0.bin -k 0xe0e1
OID Cert 0xE0E1
Input File Name : helloworld.txt
Input data :
68 65 6C 6C 6F 77 6F 72 6C 64 0A
Signature :
02 20 4C DA D4 B8 59 D0 A7 09 1F 39 8C C1 33 C8
27 25 01 1F F0 66 56 74 68 CA DE 19 51 D2 59 14
D6 DF 02 20 55 91 BF 8B 7A 50 AA 96 0A FD 3B FF
FD 13 61 66 9B FC D4 E6 E0 ED 5D F8 95 84 AC 48
A1 0A 68 8C
Verify Success.
Usuage : Random number generation Example
foo@bar:~$ openssl rand -engine trustx_engine -base64 1024
Note : If OPTIGA™ Trust X random number generation fails, there will still be random number output. This is control by OpenSSL. The engine api do not have control over it.
Usuage : Certificate request / self signed cert / key generation.
OPTIGA™ Trust X engine uses the -key parameter to pass input to the key generation/usage function.
Following is the input format:
-key <OID> : <public key input> : <NEW> :<key size> : <key usuage>
where :
- OID for OPTIGA™ Trust X key
- if OID 0xE0E0 is used no other input is needed
- public key input:
- public key file name in PEM format
- * = no public input
- ^ = public key store in Application OID Key
- 0xE0F1 store in 0xE1D1,
- 0xE0F2 store in 0xE1D2,
- 0xE0F3 store in 0xE1D3
- NEW:
- Generate new key pair in OPTIGA™ Trust X
- Key size
- 0x03 = 256 key length
- 0x04 = 384 key length
- Type
- Auth:0x01 Enc :0x02 HFWU:0x04 DevM:0X08 Sign:0x10 Agmt:0x20
Note: If wrong public is submitted the certificate generation will still go through but verification will fail.
Example : Generating a certificate request using oid 0xE0F3 to sign and external public key. Verify that public key match the private key in the oid.
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -keyform engine -engine trustx_engine -key 0xe0f3:teste0f3_pub.pem -new -verify -out teste0e3.csr
Example : Generating a certificate request by generating a new key pair in OPTIGA™ Trust X in oid 0xE0F3. (using default key input of 256 length and auth)
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -keyform engine -engine trustx_engine -key 0xe0f3:*:NEW -new -out teste0e3.csr
Example : Generating a certificate request by generating a new 384 key pair, usage auth/enc/sign in OPTIGA™ Trust X in oid 0xE0F3 and store public key in 0xE1D3.
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -keyform engine -engine trustx_engine -key 0xe0f3:^:NEW:0x04:0x13 -new -out teste0e3.csr
Usuage : Key tools / Key generation
OPTIGA™ Trust X engine uses the -in parameter to pass input to the key generation/usage function.
Following is the input format:
-in <OID> : <public key input> : <NEW> :<key size> : <key usuage>
(see req for input details)
Example generate a new key pair in OPTIGA™ Trust X in oid 0xE0F3. (using default key input of 256 length and auth)
foo@bar:~$ openssl pkey -engine trustx_engine -pubout -inform engine -in 0xe0f3:*:NEW -out testpube0f3.pem
Example generate a new 384 key pair, usage auth/enc/sign in OPTIGA™ Trust X in oid 0xE0F3 and store public key in 0xE1D3.
foo@bar:~$ openssl pkey -engine trustx_engine -pubout -inform engine -in 0xe0f3:^:NEW:0x04:0x13 -out testpube0f3.pem
Usuage : Sign and verify Example to sign using oid 0xe0f3
foo@bar:~$ openssl dgst -sign 0xe0f3 -engine trustx_engine -keyform engine -out helloworld.sig helloworld.txt
Example to verify signature.
Note : verify signature is not using OPTIGA™ Trust X engine.
foo@bar:~$ openssl dgst -verify testpube0f3.pem -signature helloworld.sig helloworld.txt
In this section, we will demonstrate how you can use Trust X OpenSSL engine to enable Trust X as a simple Certificate Authorities (CA) without revocation and tracking of certificate it issue.
Create Trust X CA key pair with the following parameters:
- oid 0xE0F2
- public key store in 0xE1D2
- Self signed CA cert with subject :
- Organization : Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust X
- Common Name : UID of Trust X
- expiry days : ~10 years
foo@bar:~$ openssl req -keyform engine -engine trustx_engine -key 0xe0f2:^:NEW -new -x509 -days 3650 -subj /O="Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust X"/CN="CD16336B01001C000100000A085255000A005C0046801010711118" -out teste0f2.crt
engine "trustx_engine" set.
foo@bar:~$ openssl x509 -in teste0f2.crt -text
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
Issuer: O = Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust X, CN = CD16336B01001C000100000A085255000A005C0046801010711118
Not Before: Jun 8 00:56:06 2019 GMT
Not After : Jun 5 00:56:06 2029 GMT
Subject: O = Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust X, CN = CD16336B01001C000100000A085255000A005C0046801010711118
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
Public-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
You may use the example given in req to generate a CSR or used any valid CSR
In order to generate a x.509 V3 certificate you will need to create an extension file. Following shows a sample of the extension file :
foo@bar:~$ cat openssl.cnf
[ cert_ext ]
[ cert_ext1 ]
Following demonstrate how you can issue and sign certificate with Trust X with the following inputs:
- input csr file : teste0f3.csr
- CA Cert : teste0f2.crt
- CA key : 0xE0F2 with public key store in 0xE1D2
- Create new serial number for certificate (serial number is store in teste0f2.srl)
- using extension cert_ext in extension file
- expiry days : 1 year
foo@bar:~$ openssl x509 -CAkeyform engine -engine trustx_engine -req -in teste0f3.csr -CA teste0f2.crt -CAkey 0xe0f2:^ -next_serial -out teste0f3.crt -days 365 -sha384 -extfile openssl.cnf -extensions cert_ext
engine "trustx_engine" set.
Signature ok
subject=C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Internet Widgits Pty Ltd
Getting CA Private Key
foo@bar:~$ openssl x509 -in teste0f3.crt -text
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
Issuer: O = Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust X, CN = CD16336B01001C000100000A085255000A005C0046801010711118
Not Before: Jun 8 01:36:36 2019 GMT
Not After : Jun 7 01:36:36 2020 GMT
Subject: C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Internet Widgits Pty Ltd
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
Public-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Key Usage: critical
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
TLS Web Client Authentication, TLS Web Server Authentication
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384
Below is a quick tips for verifying the Server cert matches the CA cert with OpenSSL
foo@bar:~$ openssl verify -CAfile teste0f2.crt -show_chain teste0f3.crt
teste0f3.crt: OK
depth=0: C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Internet Widgits Pty Ltd (untrusted)
depth=1: O = Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust X, CN = CD16336B01001C000100000A085255000A005C0046801010711118
In this section, we will describe and demo how the OPTIGA™ Trust X OpenSSL engine could be coded in 'C' to perform TLD/DTLS communication.
Note : The code only shows example on using OPTIGA™ Trust X for authentication and the secure communication is done via OpenSSL.
For easy setup, the demo uses the following input for :
- Server (system with OPTIGA™ Trust X and listening to connection)
- server certificate : cert store in oid 0xE0E0
- OPTIGA™ Trust X key : 0xE0F0
- CA certificate : OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem
- Port : 5000
- SSL Protocol : DTLS1.2
- Client (system that send HELLO request)
- CA certificate : OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem
- IP :
- Port : 5000
- SSL Protocol : DTLS1.2
You may used the below example to get the cert.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/trustx_cert -r 0xe0e0 -o teste0e0.crt
Reading OID 0xE0E0
Output File Name : teste0e0.crt
Ensure OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem is in the same directory as teste0e0.crt.
The OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem contain 3 certificate namely:
- Infineon OPTIGA(TM) ECC Root CA
- Infineon Test Server Intermediate CA
- Infineon OPTIGA(TM) OPTIGA™ Trust X CA 101
Below is a quick tips for verifying the Server cert matches the CA cert with OpenSSL
foo@bar:~$ openssl verify -CAfile OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem -show_chain teste0e0.crt
teste0e0.crt: OK
depth=0: (untrusted)
depth=1: C = DE, O = Infineon Technologies AG, OU = OPTIGA(TM), CN = Infineon OPTIGA(TM) OPTIGA™ Trust X CA 101
depth=2: C = DE, O = Infineon Technologies AG, OU = OPTIGA(TM) Devices, CN = Infineon OPTIGA(TM) ECC Root CA
Ensure OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem is in the current directory.
As the default IP is set to a loopback IP both the server and client need to be run on the same system. To run the client and server on a different system please refer to More about simpleTest_Server and More about simpleTest_Client
To build the demo refer to Build the command line tools
Open a new terminal in the system and ensure teste0e0.crt and OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem is in the current folder. Run simpleTest_Server
Example of simpleTest_Server running without client connection
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/simpleTest_Server
97 main: *****************************************
149 serverListen: Listening to incoming connection
Open another new terminal in the system and ensure OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem is in the current folder. Run simpleTest_Client
Example of simpleTest_Client running with connection to server
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/simpleTest_Client
87 main: *****************************************
112 doClientConnect: s_ipaddr :
149 doClientConnect: Connecting to server ....
167 doClientConnect: Connected to, port :0x8813
189 doClientConnect: Performing Handshaking .....
198 doClientConnect: Connection using : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
199 doClientConnect: : DTLSv1.2
From Server [1712] : 001
From Server [1712] : 002
From Server [1712] : 003
From Server [1712] : 004
From Server [1712] : 005
From Server [1712] : 006
Server terminal output
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/simpleTest_Server
97 main: *****************************************
149 serverListen: Listening to incoming connection
162 serverListen: Connection from, port :0x8e8f
149 serverListen: Listening to incoming connection
247 doServerConnected: Init Trustx Engine. Ok
266 doServerConnected: Load Certificate ok
274 doServerConnected: Private Key Match the Server Certificate.
283 doServerConnected: Load CA cert ok
306 doServerConnected: Performing Handshking .........
311 doServerConnected: Connection using : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
312 doServerConnected: : DTLSv1.2
313 doServerConnected: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
333 doServerConnected: [1712] Received : 1
333 doServerConnected: [1712] Received : 2
333 doServerConnected: [1712] Received : 3
333 doServerConnected: [1712] Received : 4
333 doServerConnected: [1712] Received : 5
333 doServerConnected: [1712] Received : 6
The above console screen show a successful server/client connection via DTLS1.2. After the DTLS handshake is completed the client will send count from 1 to 100 to the server. When server received the data from client it will is display the info received and send back the Process ID (PID) and data received to the client. The client when received the data from the service, it will display them on the screen.
To run multiple client connection, open another new terminal in the system and ensure OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem is in the current folder. Run simpleTest_Client.
Below show an example of the server receiving from multiple client.
foo@bar:~$ ./bin/simpleTest_Server
97 main: *****************************************
149 serverListen: Listening to incoming connection
162 serverListen: Connection from, port :0x968f
149 serverListen: Listening to incoming connection
247 doServerConnected: Init Trustx Engine. Ok
253 doServerConnected: Set Default Engine Ok.
266 doServerConnected: Load Certificate ok
274 doServerConnected: Private Key Match the Server Certificate.
283 doServerConnected: Load CA cert ok
306 doServerConnected: Performing Handshking .........
311 doServerConnected: Connection using : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
312 doServerConnected: : DTLSv1.2
313 doServerConnected: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
333 doServerConnected: [1761] Received : 1
333 doServerConnected: [1761] Received : 2
162 serverListen: Connection from, port :0x988f
149 serverListen: Listening to incoming connection
241 doServerConnected: Engine ID : trustx_engine
247 doServerConnected: Init Trustx Engine. Ok
253 doServerConnected: Set Default Engine Ok.
266 doServerConnected: Load Certificate ok
274 doServerConnected: Private Key Match the Server Certificate.
283 doServerConnected: Load CA cert ok
306 doServerConnected: Performing Handshking .........
311 doServerConnected: Connection using : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
312 doServerConnected: : DTLSv1.2
313 doServerConnected: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
333 doServerConnected: [1763] Received : 1
333 doServerConnected: [1761] Received : 3
333 doServerConnected: [1763] Received : 2
333 doServerConnected: [1761] Received : 4
333 doServerConnected: [1763] Received : 3
333 doServerConnected: [1761] Received : 5
333 doServerConnected: [1763] Received : 4
333 doServerConnected: [1761] Received : 6
333 doServerConnected: [1763] Received : 5
162 serverListen: Connection from, port :0x9a8f
149 serverListen: Listening to incoming connection
241 doServerConnected: Engine ID : trustx_engine
247 doServerConnected: Init Trustx Engine. Ok
253 doServerConnected: Set Default Engine Ok.
266 doServerConnected: Load Certificate ok
274 doServerConnected: Private Key Match the Server Certificate.
283 doServerConnected: Load CA cert ok
306 doServerConnected: Performing Handshking .........
311 doServerConnected: Connection using : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
312 doServerConnected: : DTLSv1.2
313 doServerConnected: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
333 doServerConnected: [1766] Received : 1
333 doServerConnected: [1761] Received : 7
333 doServerConnected: [1763] Received : 6
333 doServerConnected: [1766] Received : 2
333 doServerConnected: [1761] Received : 8
333 doServerConnected: [1763] Received : 7
333 doServerConnected: [1766] Received : 3
// Macro for Keys/Certificates
#define SERVER_CERT "teste0e0.crt"
#define SERVER_KEY "0xe0f0"
#define CA_CERT "OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem"
// Macro for Engine
#define ENGINE_NAME "trustx_engine"
// Default IP/PORT
#define DEFAULT_IP ""
#define DEFAULT_PORT 5000
//#define SECURE_COMM TLS_server_method()
#define SECURE_COMM DTLS_server_method()
In the simpleTest_Server.c code ~ line number 54-66. List the macro for changing following input:
- SERVER_CERT <filename for server certificate in PEM format>
- SERVER_KEY <OID of OPTIGA™ Trust X key used. Refer to OpenSSL req for the key input format>
- CA_CERT <CA Certificate filename. if CA cert is chain ensure all cert is in the chain>
- ENGINE_NAME <OPTIGA™ Trust X engine name>
- DEFAULT_IP <IP address, not important for server>
- DEFAULT_PORT <Port to use for connection>
- SECURE_COMM <SSL Protocol to be used TLS/DTLS>
// Macro for Keys/Certificates
#define CA_CERT "OPTIGA_Trust_X_trusted_CAs.pem"
// Macro for Engine
#define ENGINE_NAME "trustx_engine"
// Default IP/PORT
#define DEFAULT_IP ""
#define DEFAULT_PORT 5000
//#define SECURE_COMM TLS_client_method()
#define SECURE_COMM DTLS_client_method()
In the simpleTest_Client.c code ~ line number 53-63. List the macro for changing following input:
- CA_CERT <CA Certificate filename. if CA cert is chain ensure all cert is in the chain>
- ENGINE_NAME <Engine name. Not important for Client as Client is not using OPTIGA™ Trust X>
- DEFAULT_IP <IP address of the server>
- DEFAULT_PORT <Port to use for connection>
- SECURE_COMM <SSL Protocol to be used TLS/DTLS>
In the OPTIGA™ Trust X pal Linux library, you may encounter error "Failed to open gpio .......". This prevent the host from send a reset to the OPTIGA™ Trust X. To work around this used the sudo command.
Without resetting OPTIGA™ Trust X, it may fail at time and require to be reset or user needs to run the command again.
When sporadic hanging or segment fault is seem when using the OpenSSL engine (Especially after modification of the engine code). Ensure that the pal_os_event.c patch is implemented. In the engine code ensure that trustx_disarm_timer(); is call after any OPTIGA™ Trust X library API is used.
Run the tools again to refresh the output
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details