These devices are ready to go, they should have the firmware loaded, but if they don't:
- Connect the Arduino to your computer via USB
- Open Arduino IDE
- Tools > Board: (should auto-detect the 'Arduino/Genuino Uno' board, otherwise select it
- Tools > Port: Bluetooth Incoming Port
- File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata
- Sketch > Upload (of on the editor window, press the second button which is a right arrow, make sure the file name is StandardFirmata)
- Install Johnny Five
If this Hello World works, you are in business:
- Mobile App:
- USB:
- Check out BocaJs Github for info on getting started
- Basics of prototyping
- You must use a JavaScript library (Johnny Five or otherwise) to control your device.
Originality – 35%
How original is your idea? Is it completely new and unique, or is it similar to something else? -
Execution – 65%
How well did your team translate the idea into reality over the course of the hackathon? -
Judges: Cristina Solana (MiamiJS), Jean Felis (FIU, WordCamp Miami)