- What's New
- Component Description
- Installing
- How to use
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- How to send and read custom types
- Add Result Code possibility.
- Add method to send Stream data.
- OnMessage event declaration changed.
DzTalkApp allows you to send data between distinct applications. You can send simple data type like Integer or String, and even complex data, like a record.
Close Delphi IDE and run CompInstall.exe app to auto install component into Delphi.
- Open DzTalkApp package in Delphi.
- Ensure Win32 Platform and Release config are selected.
- Then Build and Install.
- If you want to use Win64 platform, select this platform and Build again.
- Add sub-path Win32\Release to the Library paths at Tools\Options using 32-bit option, and if you have compiled to 64 bit platform, add sub-path Win64\Release using 64-bit option.
Supports Delphi XE2..Delphi 10.3 Rio
Drop a TDzTalkApp in the source and destination applications.
You just need to set the window name in the component, and the communication will occur between window handles.
In the destination application, just set the OnMessage event to receive and read data.
AutoActivate: Boolean
= Auto-enable the handle on component loaded. This will only works when you set other properties in design-time mode.
AutoFind: Boolean
= When AutoFind is enabled, on each Send command, the component will find the destination window handle.
MyWindowName: String
= Specify the source handle name. This property is only needed if this app will receive communication. Otherwise you only need to set the destination window name.
DestWindowName: String
= Specify the destination window name. This property is only needed if this app will send communication, otherwise you only need to set the source window handle name.
Synchronous: Boolean
= If this property is enabled, when you send a command to other app, the execution pointer will be released only after the destination app method OnMessage
ends. If this property is disabled, when the destination receive the message, immediately the execution pointer is released in the source application.
Active: Boolean
(public read-only) = Indicates if the component is enabled or disabled (see Enable
and Disable
ToHandle: HWND
(public) = Stores the last destination window handle. You can set this property manually if needed, but I recommend you to use FindDestWindow
method instead.
procedure Enable;
Enables the window handle to send and receive messages. You need to specify the name of window handle before use this method.
procedure Disable;
Disables the window handle.
procedure FindDestWindow;
Find and set destination window handle by the name defined in DestWindowName
property. If the destination window is not found, an error is raised, using class EDzTalkAppWndNotFound
procedure Send(ID: Word); overload;
procedure Send(ID: Word; N: Integer); overload;
procedure Send(ID: Word; A: AnsiString); overload;
procedure Send(ID: Word; P: Pointer; Size: Cardinal); overload;
procedure Send(ID: Word; S: TMemoryStream); overload;
Use Send methods to send a message to destination application. To send messages, the component needs to be enabled (use Enable
method) and needs a destination window name defined (use DestWindowName
The overloads methods allows you to send:
Only a command, using
parameter -
A command with an Integer parameter, using
parameter -
A command with a String parameter, using
parameter -
A command with any kind of data parameter, using
parameter and specifying the size of data parameter. -
A command with a memory data stream, using
function AsString: AnsiString;
Use this function inside the OnMessage event to get a message data as String type.
function AsInteger: Integer;
Use this function inside the OnMessage event to get a message data as Integer type.
procedure AsStream(Stm: TStream);
Use this procedure inside the OnMessage event to get a message data as TStream type (the object need to be created before call this method).
function GetResult: Integer;
You can use this function right after call Send
method to get the result code of the message received by the destination app. You can set this result in OnMessage event at destination application. Please see description of OnMessage event.
procedure OnMessage(Sender: TObject; From: HWND; ID: Word; P: Pointer; Size: Cardinal; var Result: Integer);
This method will occur in the destination app when a message is received. The From
parameter indicates the handle of the source window. The ID
parameter indicates the code of the message used in the Send
method at the source app. The P
parameter has the pointer of the message data. The Size
parameter allows you to know the size of the data received.
The Result
parameter allows you to set a result code to return to the sender application (the sender application should use GetResult
function right after use Send
method to read this result code).
You can use the AsString
, AsInteger
or AsStream
methods to read messages as String and Integer data types.
You can send record structure. To do this, ensure you are always using packed record
, because this kind of record will use a fixed size structure.
To send a record, use:
TData = packed record
Number: Integer;
Text: ShortString;
Flag: Boolean;
var R: TData;
R.Number := 100;
R.Text := 'TEST';
R.Flag := True;
DzTalkApp.Send(1, @R, SizeOf(R));
To receive this record using OnMessage event:
var R: TData;
R := TData(P^);
Of course, the packed record on destination application must have the same structure as the record used in the sender application.
To send a Double type:
var D: Double;
DzTalkApp.Send(1, @D, SizeOf(D));
To receive a Double type (OnMessage event):
var D: Double;
D := Double(P^);