Flask-Alcool is a Flask extension to provide access control list like rights management with decorators on routes. It also provide a jinja extension to display only authorized links.
pip install Flask-Alcool
from flask.ext.alcool import alcool, allow_if
from myproject import app
def drunk(**kwargs):
return kwargs.get('drunk', False)
def major(**kwargs):
value = kwargs.get('value', 0)
return True if value > 18 else False
@allow_if(drunk | major)
def protected_route(value, drunk):
return "route is major or drunk or both"
def drive(drunk):
return "route is sober : drive safely"
@allow_if(major & ~drunk)
def welcome_home(drunk, value):
return "route is major and sober"
In real life you may want to place all alcool decorated function in a conditions.py file then do something like:
import conditions as Is
@allow_if(Is.drunk | Is.major)
def protected_route(value, drunk):
return "route is major or drunk or both"
Available alcool operators are:
a & b
→a and b
a | b
→a or b
a ^ b
→a xor b
~ a
→not a
Use this snippet to configure Jinja2:
from flask.ext.alcool import Alcool
alcool = Alcool(app)
Then, in templates you can use the new {% auth %} block:
{% auth 'drive', {'drunk': false} %}
This text will be displayed
{% endauth %}
{% auth 'drive', {'drunk': true} %}
This text will not be displayed
{% endauth %}