My Computer Science notebook |
1º Semester
• Programmazione I - [Programming I]• Analisi Matematica I - [Mathematical Analysis I]
• Fondamenti dell'Informatica - [Fundamentals of Computer Science]
2º Semester
• Programmazione II - [Programming II]• Architettura degli Elaboratori - [Computer Architecure]
• Algoritmi e Strutture Dati - [Algorithms and Data Structures]
• Algebra Lineare e Geometria - [Linear Algebra and Geometry]
1º Semester
• Reti e Sistemi Operativi - [Networks and Operating Systems]• Linguaggi di Programmazione - [Programming Languages]
• Lingauggi e Computabilità - [Languages and Computability]
• Metodi Algebrici per l'Informatica - [Algebric Methods for Computer Science]
2º Semester
• Sistemi Distribuiti - [Distributed Systems]• Analisi e Progettazione del Software - [Software Engineering]
• Probabilità e Statistica - [Probability And Statistics]
• Basi di Dati - [DataBase]
1º Semester
• Analisi e Progetto di Algoritmi - [Design and Analysis of Algorithms]• Ricerca Operativa e Pianificazione delle Risorse - [Operations Research and Resource Planning]
• Interazione Uomo-Machina - [Human-Computer Interaction]
• Introduzione all'Intelligenza Artificiale - [Introduction to Artificial Intelligence]
• Programmazione C++ - [C++ Programming]
I mainly take notes with Goodnotes 5 on my iPad. Between the first and second year, I also used Craft Docs for more text-heavy notes, but then went back to Goodnotes, to have more flexibility with space management on the pages, as well as the ability to draw graphs and tables more reliably.
I then export my notes into pdf files and upload them into this repository :)
For programming-realted courses, notes include (or consist of) source files, such as Java, LISP, Prolog and C++ source files.
I took C++ notes as .md files directly into Visual Studio Code.