This package provides a tool to map radio interferometric data with the direct optimal mapping method and the related power spectrum calculation.
Accompanying papers are published in:
Xu et al. 2022,
Xu et al. 2024,
This package is specifically developed for the HERA project, but can be easily adapted for other interferometric experiments.
This package can be installed via pip
. After descending into the direct_optimal_mapping
folder, please run:
pip install .
Currently, the package contains two main classes DataConditioning
and OptMapping
The DataConditioning
class provides necessary tools to select one frequency channel
and one polarization from the raw data. It can also perform noise calculation and
flagged-data removal. It will output a prepared pyuvdata object for the mapping part.
The OptMapping
class contains the tools to calculate the mapping matrix (A-matrix) of
the instrument, along with auxilary product (including K_psf and K_facet). The class can
also calculate the point-spread matrix, aka P-matrix.
To use the classes, the python script file should first be imported:
from direct_optimal_mapping import optimal_mapping
from direct_optimal_mapping import data_conditioning
To initiate one instance, one can do:
ifreq = 758 #Frequency Channel No.
ipol = -5 # polarization number with -5 to -8 referring to XX, YY, XY, YX
dc = data_conditioning.DataConditioning(uv, ifreq, ipol)
opt_map = optimal_mapping.OptMapping(dc.uv_1d, nside, epoch='J2000')
The first line initiated the DataConditioning
object as dc
, where uv
is one pyuvdata object (to be discussed more later).
The dc
object initiation stripped the uv
object with
one polarizatoin and one frequency, saved as an attribute, dc.uv_1d
The noise_calc()
function calculates the visibility noise from the autocorrelations, the result is saved in a pyuvdata
object as an attribute, dc.uvn
Then the rm_flag()
function removes flagged data considering both the flagged
data in dc.uv_1d
and dc.uvn
The redundant_avg()
function redundant averages both the data and the noise; the noise data are further
scaled down considering the number of baseines included in one group. If N is the number of redundant baselines, the
scaling is sqrt(N).
The last line initated the OptMapping
object as opt_map
, where dc.uv_1d
is the processed pyuvdata object,
is the for the healpix map, 'J2000' is the epoch of this calculation.
Then another line can be run:
opt_map.set_k_psf(radius_deg=50, calc_k=False)
where it sets up the range of the PSF. The indices of the selected pixels are saved in opt_map.idx_psf_in
Note: K_PSF is not calculated here since the calc_k
flag is set as False
, which saves memory.
After the previous preparations, the A matrix can be calculated via:
where the set_a_mat()
function adds a .a_mat
attribute as the A matrix; the set_inv_noise_mat()
function uses the
noise information in the dc.uvn
object and adds a .inv_noise_mat
attribute as the inverse N matrix. The A matrix is calculated within the range of the PSF.
Then the map can be generated with the data via:
hmap = np.matmul(np.conjugate(opt_map.a_mat.T), np.matmul(opt_map.inv_noise_mat, np.matrix(
Please note that hmap only covers the area within the PSF. The calculated pixels are a subset of the full-sky healpix
pixels. opt_map.idx_psf_in
saves the index information of the hmap pixels in the full-sky healpix map.
This only gives a brief introdution, more details can be explored in the and files with the help of docstrings and comments.
The uv object can be read in via:
uv = UVData()
where filepath
is the address to the .uvh5 file. More details can be found in this GitHub repository: