Welcome to Goo's Tic Tac Toe!
Required running environmnet:
1.Unix-based OS
2.An up-to-date Java JRE and JDK
3.Installed git or some version control tools
Download this fun game:
1.Open terminal
2.git clone https://github.com/GoooGu/TicTacToe.git
To check if your Java version is up-to-date:
1.Open terminal
2.Type in "java -version"
3.JDK version should be 1.8 or higher
To install/update Java:
1.Open terminal
2.Type in "sudo apt-get update"
3.Type in "sudo apt-get install default-jre"
4.Type in "sudo apt-get install default-jdk"
To install git:
1.Please follow the link: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
To compile:
1.Type in "make"
To run the game:
1.Compile the project
2.Type in "java TicTacToe"
To run Junit tests:
1.Type in "java -cp junit-4.12.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:. org.junit.runner.JUnitCore JunitTest"
Required running environmnet: 1.Unix-based OS 2.An up-to-date Java JRE and JDK 3.Installed git or some version control tools
Download this fun game: 1.Open terminal 2.git clone https://github.com/GoooGu/TicTacToe.git
To check if your Java version is up-to-date: 1.Open terminal 2.Type in "java -version" 3.JDK version should be 1.8 or higher
To install/update Java: 1.Open terminal 2.Type in "sudo apt-get update" 3.Type in "sudo apt-get install default-jre" 4.Type in "sudo apt-get install default-jdk"
To install git: 1.Please follow the link: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
To compile: 1.Type in "make"
To run the game: 1.Compile the project 2.Type in "java TicTacToe"
To run Junit tests: 1.Type in "java -cp junit-4.12.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:. org.junit.runner.JUnitCore JunitTest"
Play instructions: 1.Please go to TicTacToe.java and read the header instructions