The Gerrit team at Google has decided to discontinue work on the checks plugin. The recommended solution is [](Checks UI) which surfaces results from an external CI/analysis system.
This plugin provides a unified experience for checkers (CI systems, static analyzers, etc.) to integrate with Gerrit Code Review.
When upgrading the plugin, please use init:
java -jar gerrit.war init -d site_path
More details about "init" in
To enable sending email notifications for "checks" status updates, you'll need to create the email
templates in <your-site-path>/etc/mail
. In the simplest form, simply rename the example templates:
cd "<your-site-path>"
mv etc/mail/{.example,}
mv etc/mail/{.example,}
For running unit tests execute:
bazel test --test_output=all //plugins/checks/web:karma_test
For checking or fixing eslint formatter problems run:
bazel test //plugins/checks/web:lint_test
bazel run //plugins/checks/web:lint_bin -- --fix "$(pwd)/plugins/checks/web"
For testing the plugin with
Gerrit FE Dev Helper
build the JavaScript bundle and copy it to the plugins/
bazel build //plugins/checks/web:checks
cp -f bazel-bin/plugins/checks/web/checks.js plugins/
and let the Dev Helper redirect from .+/plugins/checks/static/checks.js