WeatherServer goal is to have OpenWeatherMap data pulled to so that Auticiel apps can query the weather and forecast whenever they want. The 2 main tasks:
- get around OpenWeatherMap rate limitation
- offer retreated weather code
The whole repo can be copied on the server. It is currently available on
A cron is executed every day at 2am and 4am (in case first one fail) to refresh data. The cron is configured on ovh manager since we do not have a dedicated server.
To get the data, use getData.php.
The cron files (cron_forecast.php and cron_weather.php) are publicly accessible to do an external refresh if needed. They will generate weather.json and forecast.json files, which store last known weather and forecast.
To view OpenWeatherMap full code list, refer to
The codes returned by WeatherServer are:
- UnknownWeather = 0,
- Rainy = 1,
- SmallStorm = 2,
- Storm = 3,
- SmallRain = 4,
- Cloudy = 5,
- Sunny = 6,