The project has been abandoned in favor of a better website, which is no longer using Docker and incorporates better technologies and more content 🤫. It served as a draft for the next iteration.
This project is a web application that allows you to search for anime and add them to your list. You can also add a comment and rate an anime. You can also edit your comment and rating or delete them.
Possibility to
- Create account
- Search for anime
- Add anime to your list
- Add comments and rate an anime
- Edit anime (comment, rating or delete)
Insall Prerequisites and then: Clone the repository and go to the project root (extracted folder)
then run in the terminal (in the project root):
docker-compose up
You should see something like this in Docker Desktop: if you see this, it means that the project is running successfully. You can access the project from the browser by typing:
- NestJS - The API Node.js framework used
- React - The web framework used
- Docker - Containerization
- PostgreSQL - Database
- Material-UI - UI Framework
- Jikan API - API anime
- JWT - Authentication