This is a Material Design based theme for the HiBy R3 (Pro/Saber) player. Its goal is to improve the user interface with a more modern look and feel and enhance usability. The theme was based on the default "theme2" and completely polished/overhauled. Go to screenshots
If you encounter any issues or have other feedback, feel free to open an issue.
A lot of (tiny) improvements were made. But the big ones are listed here
- New player design (Fixed display of album art, no more chopped-off bits)
- Improved keyboard layout/coloring
- Scrolling text when text too long (The players firmware doesn't support this in lists unfortunately)
- More generic icons / Android material design style layout
- Improved touch interface (larger buttons/fonts)
- Made all top-bar icons and labels "Pixelized" instead of weird combination of all sorts of fonts/styles
- Add extensive phone/line/bluetooth protocol out indicator to top-bar
- Add music sound quality labels on albumart (instead of strange icons/dots under song title)
- Removed volume slider from shortcut menu to prevent accidental volume changes (Use buttons on the side 😋)
- Optimized for English language
- Fixed a lot of tiny things (alignment, touch activation areas etc)
Update: 28-12-2022
- Upgraded to base firmware 2.0, legacy versions available in GIT history.
- Had to remove radio shortcut/tab (due to firmware changes)
- Fixed "online channel" selection
- Fixed language selection
Update: 1-8-2021
- Add support for playspeed and section repeat functions
- Upgraded to base firmware 1.6, legacy 1.5 based version available in GIT history.
- Fixed lyrics display
- Download MaterialDesign.t file
- Make a "theme" folder in the root of your SD card (If not existing yet)
- Place MaterialDesign.t file in "theme" folder.
- Startup player
- Swipe-right to open side menu on the left
- Select "System Settings"
- Select "UI themes"
- Tap "Use custom themes >" on the top of the dialog appearing
- Select "MaterialDesign"
- The player will now load the theme, this will take a few seconds
Note: After connecting as USB storage the player sometimes "forgets" it needs to use the custom theme and displays some kind of hybrid form of the default theme and the custom theme. Following the Activation steps will fix this.
Note: These screenshots were made in the GUI simulator. The player renders some things different (like fonts).
The theme was optimized for the player, so things might look a bit odd here!
(Screenshots were taken with theme color: 132 - 240)
Icons: iconify
Default album player art: freeimages / Joel Dietle
Default radio player art: freeimages / pipp