There're two branches, the master uses actix-web 2.0, branch v1.0 uses actix-web 1.x, branch v0.7 uses actix-web 0.7.x.
BTW, I'm literally not that good at front-end.
- I abandoned bootstrap to build the front-end, written it from zero, but still kind of ugly.
- Showdown for rendering markdown.
- Jquery
- Js.cookie(for cookies handling)
- The blazingly fast asynchronous web framework based on Rust: actix-web
- Database ORM based on Rust as well: diesel
- HTML template engine(rust based): tera
- Better use stable rust. (2018 edition, though travis compiles the project on nightly and beta one)
- Postgresql. (11.x, I didn't try on 9.x or 10.x)
- Download the repo
git clone
- Create a database in postgresql, remember the name for next operation.
- Modify the .env file, add following configuration.
- Install diesel_cli with the following command.
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features "postgres"
- Create these related tables, make sure 4 tables created and named comments/contacts/posts/users in database.
cd actix_blog
# migration,
diesel migration setup
- Configure the project. There's a actix_blog.toml file in root folder, give the actual values to it.
- Build the project.
cargo run --release
- Modify database url for testing in file .env.
- Migration. The following command will generate all tables the project needs.
diesel --database-url postgres://[your_name]:[passowrd]@localhost/[database_name] migration run
- Run test.
cargo test
Tips: All test cases are under src/test.
- Sign-in/out
- Password resetting
- Register
- Comment system(ajax)
- Use likes(ajax)
- Category
- Search
- Basic admin privileges
- Markdown supporting.
- HTTP2(s) Support(not default)
- If you really want to experience http2, use the example ssl keys or follow this English or 中文 to create certifications, put the generated keys to folder "ssl_keys", rename both keys with the same name as the example's. And Compile the project with this following command.
cargo run --release --features "http2"
- Visit the site.